JRS-1 "The Boat"
Photo 1 of 60
4 4 March 2018, 08:45

First pictures of my new project. Eduards boxing comprises some very useful resin- and a few etched parts. However, very recommendable is Eduards combined interior-and exterior packages which you can see on the first picture. I found the resin pilot-seats as not being usable, but those etched one look very well. One seat is build up from..... nine parts, which nearly all have to be bent! The result is not perfect of course.... but I am quite proud! 🙂
4 March 2018, 08:50

Have been eyeing this kit since it's release. I will gladly take a seat and follow your build Roland!
4 March 2018, 16:27

The seats look fantastic, Roland! Hopefully that is the hardest part done?
4 March 2018, 18:44

Gordon, the etched details for the wheel parts have been .....intricating. But well worth the effort! Pictures will follow.
5 March 2018, 11:48

An interesting plane. I love sea planes, so I'll be following this.
Really nice photo etch detail Roland! And at 72nd scale 👍.
5 March 2018, 12:21

Thank you for your kind words Björn!
The new sequence of pictures show the "raw material" of this kit for the wheel bays. Sword did place some ejection pins on prominent places.... but, as you can see, my Proxxon could manage that. The etched parts for the wheel well consists of 8 parts per side - and provides a major advancement over the original kit layout of that area.
5 March 2018, 18:00

Thank you guys for your interest! Martin, please take a seat- resin or etched parts, you still have both options...
6 March 2018, 10:29

Because of the very short run nature of this kit I am especially happy with all those etched parts.
For this interior I used Alclads "Zinc Chromatic" for the first time.... and I have to say, its quite easy to work with and the result looks as it is intended to look....
The last picture shows how little "interior" is left when the fuselage has been closed. So all the pictures of the passenger seat and their surrounding space is "in memoriam": they wan´t be seen again 🙂
8 March 2018, 17:38

I kinda like to spend some extra attention to cockpits, even though it's for memories only.
8 March 2018, 18:24

Would you like to see some ....ridiculous?
Look at the fit of the canopy! In the first moment I thought I had erroneously taken the the Bv222´s transparent part- but I had the intended canopy in my fingers!
Sword really believes that this should be the used... oh well!
Overall, the kit proves its "short run charm" in every part 🙂
11 March 2018, 20:11

Looks like alot of work. Wünsche dir Geduld, gute Nerven und Ausdauer. 🙂
11 March 2018, 20:35

Intesting canopy, looks like its for a completely different aircraft. Short-run at its finest! Maybe plunge-mold a new one with longer sides?
12 March 2018, 03:14

Thanks David and Gordon! I consider to arrange new side walls with a sheet of styrene....
Danke David! 🙂
12 March 2018, 12:23

Hello mates! All the filling and sanding is done- at last! That was quite a challenging work -and I had to re-shape the lines of the rearward cockpit windows, but I am happy I succeeded in getting a closed up fuselage in the end.
The resin-engines with etched ignition wires look fine for me.... "Very short run" that all, what a scary kit! 🙂
26 March 2018, 20:55

Thank you Stephan!
Preshading followed by the gloss-white underside has been applied. This will be followed by H-56 "Intermediate Blue" on the upper sides.
31 March 2018, 08:24

A few pictures of the glossy painted JRS-1 with all their decals on. A rather crude kit, at least! It´s a real pleasure to use all the benefits of Eduards resin and etched parts to make my best out of the basic kit.
14 April 2018, 06:26

Nearly done! Only the last "finishing touches" and some antenna wires are missing.... 🙂
18 April 2018, 17:20

"The Boat" looks nice Roland. Eine Frage: Die Decals der amerikanischen Hoheitsabzeichen überdecken an den Seiten die Fenster, kann das stimmen? Oder sind die Fenster durch eine Platte oder ähnliches abgedeckt?
18 April 2018, 17:30

Thank you Stefan!
Bei meinen Vorbereitungen habe ich Bilder der JRS-1 mit der frühen Hoheitszeichen-Variante gefunden, welche die Fenster klar überdeckt haben; ich nehme an, die wurden einfach überlackiert.
Eduard schlägt dies auch ür diese Variante aus dem Jahr 1943 vor.
Wenn es in der Community aber andere Erkenntnisse dazu gibt, bin ich nicht böse, davon zu erfahren! 🙂
18 April 2018, 19:28

That looks like you had a lot of filing and sanding till to get that nice result. Very nice work Roland 👍
18 April 2018, 19:35

I agree with Björn, it is indeed another really nice project and work from your side😉
19 April 2018, 04:32

Thank you mates!
Hard filling and sanding indeed.... but your words let me feel it was worth the effort.
19 April 2018, 06:46

What else to say. Every model that you make changes into a gem.
A top performance every time.
19 April 2018, 09:34

Your comment is so pleasing- you can be certain about my red ears! 🙂
Roll out will be on this weekend- I am eager to see this cute amphibian finally done!
20 April 2018, 19:52

I am quite happy I could finally finish that challenging model. Thanks a lot for all your encouragement and all your comments!
Eduards etched detail set parts look very cool on this tiny amphibian, it´s my urgent recommendation to get all the etched parts available because the original plastic parts are too heavy built for most of the handrails and fittings so characteristic for this plane.
The bracing wires have been made from "RB Prosuctions" aero- wire.
Thanks for your interest, mates!
21 April 2018, 19:10

Once again a fantastic result Roland. A really nice flying boat! 👍
21 April 2018, 19:49

A really nice plane Roland! 👍
And a little motorcycle in one of the pictures, nice😉, but what was that?
21 April 2018, 21:39

Erik, Björn, Alec, thank you for all your kind remarks!
The motorcycle is not only a "running gag" for me, being photographed with all 1:72 scale models, but also a scale giving object. Building this model I often imagined what it would have meant for me, a rather tall and anyway well- fed guy, to squeeze into this definitely non- spacoius fuselage.... 🙂
22 April 2018, 09:20

fantastic result, I like it very much!
It looks as if the decals are on thick side?
22 April 2018, 09:24

Thank you Thomas! Maybe on the thick side, yes.... but they are on the "sticky" side for sure: where the decals had got contact with the models surface, they tended to stick. bombproof, to say so.
But in the end and with a wrinkle or a crack to flatten here and there they got on their intended places.
22 April 2018, 12:10

Nice job on the Baby Clipper Roland.
One question though: does anybody know of decals for a civil Baby Clipper, preferably one from Pan American?
29 June 2018, 09:39

Superb work Roland.
You mention using RB Prosuctions" aero- wire - what scale? or what RB product was used?
29 June 2018, 17:04

Thank you all mates for your comments! Peter, a Pan Am Baby Clipper would be a nice project- good luck in finding one! Ran, RB offered aero-wires for RFC/RAF biplanes in scale 1:32. I once bought several of these etched parts.
30 June 2018, 08:10

13 June 2020, 05:33

Thank you! The crude way, mate: just filled up the gap with putty as long as necessary and sanded it flat. Problem seemed to be solved, but it is a very challenging build indeed!
13 June 2020, 11:10

Isn't it the one that is on display in Chantilly (VA)? Yours looks better than the real thing Roland 👍 Somehow I missed this build.
15 June 2020, 20:40

Thank you mates for your kind words! Indeed, this one is residing at the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center in Chantilly, VA
16 June 2020, 05:27