Monogram F-100D Thunderbirds.
1 16 April 2018, 19:27

Thank you Erik and Augie. I had my doubts about it when I started trying to put the decals on, but I finally got them to look decent.
16 April 2018, 22:00

I have been trying to get hold of one of these F-100's for a long time, and I would be over the moon if I could get it looking half as good as yours Clifford. 👍
Cheers and salute. ! 🙂
17 April 2018, 00:35

Thank you Donald. Kerry and Michael.@ Kerry, there is a site in the U,S. called Mustang He has them for I think 12.99 U.S. He usually has them in stock. He specializes in old vintage kits.
18 April 2018, 18:38

Clifford. I am currently looking at that site and it looks promising. 🙂 👍
18 April 2018, 21:29

Thank you Timothy and James. The decals were a pain in the keister, but I plan on doing another. @Kerry it is a good sight, I buy quite a lot of stuff from him.
19 April 2018, 21:06

Clifford, was it a case of them not wanting to settle down? Or other stuff?
20 April 2018, 01:24

They did not want to slide off the backing at first, then you had to be careful when trying to postion them, so they did not curl under on you or rip. The only ones I had trouble getting to settle down were the horozintal stabs. But I think that was me putting to much Micro Sol on them. I found on later ones if I just put one coat on and let it dry, then added another later, they settled right down. If you put to much on at once they wrinkle and will not lay down.
20 April 2018, 22:39
Album info
Monogram's F-100D Super Sabre Thunderbirds.