D-365 Pneumatic compactor
32 20 September 2018, 21:16

Thats very impressive. A work of art really. Is it up for sale ? A great one for a SM calender ??
6 October 2018, 10:14

Simply FANTASTIC! Really, this is scratchbuilding of the finest quality!
6 October 2018, 12:48

Thank you mates !
Neuling, The leaves are laser cut leaves of modelscene.
Mike Daniels, unfortunately it's not for sale. At least in the near future.
6 October 2018, 18:59

Speechless. Absolute magnificent Art in scale 👍
Your other Builds too but this one is unique in every way. I'm Jealous 🙂
6 October 2018, 19:27

Stunning work in all areas. i love the scratchbuid of the wall and details. amazing paint job and weathering. no wonder you do not want to sell it 🙂 who could want to part ways this beauty!!
13 October 2018, 23:13

Thank you Spanjaard! You are right but this little diorama has also great semtimental value because it was finished (actualy it wasn't, there are still no workers figures) at very hard moment of my life.
14 October 2018, 09:28

IMHO it doesnt necessarily need any figures. I am quite sure that you would make them look great but the whole scene somehow creates a very strong atmosphere just because there are no figures 🙂
15 October 2018, 17:52

I got to admit it. Anyway the glass cover has been installed which means there is no way back and diorama finished. So there is no chance that the figures will appear.
15 October 2018, 19:03

The absence of figures only adds to the "abandoned" atmosphere of your dio. It is perfect the way it is!
18 October 2018, 04:56

Nope they're from Modelscene. Great stuff I must say.
18 October 2018, 08:54

Oh yeah, i have the rotten leaves from them, indeed great stuff!
18 October 2018, 09:20

We see quite a few top quality builds here, but this is one of the best. Indeed very atmospheric with perfect weathering. I would be interested how you did the flat tires. Excellent.
9 December 2021, 08:00

Thank you mates! Michael Kohl , here is the way [img1] plus resin can be bended when heated.
9 December 2021, 10:27

Hi Dimitri, thanks for the explaination. Leaving the side wall of the tyre is the trick!
9 December 2021, 11:00

Spanjaard, Neuling, I don't own this technique so you don't need my permission 😉
Markus Yliaho thanks mate!
10 December 2021, 21:58