WIP - F-117A
1 5 October 2018, 06:33

Thank you Wim.
Scott - well, yes - in many cases I'm waiting for some parts, or models are in different stage, so I'm jumping from one to another.
Maciej - welcome and thank you.
30 October 2018, 14:44

Close to the finish and as usual the closer to the end of the worse.
I'm working on exhaust and I got stuck.
There so little good quality pictures of Nighthawk exhaust. On most of them it looks different. Rusty, brownish, grey, dirty white, less shiny, metal shiny - Nighthawk is turning to Nightmare.
10 November 2018, 11:33

Nice shading Sir, will keep the link as an tutorial for my 1/72nd (to be built one day) 👍
12 November 2018, 17:49

real nice effort on that paint job... regarding those exhausts: well.. there is always more than one truth 🙂 but the ones i have seen are more like white... like a salty crust
12 November 2018, 18:20

Thanks guys. Lukasz, no need to Sir me 😉
As for the exhausts - it bothers me a lot - if I could only lay my hand on one good photo then I would be able to replicate it. But now, I'm forced to experiment.
13 November 2018, 18:28

i got some photos, but i think they are b/w - and propably from books you have too... i can check this evening if you like
14 November 2018, 06:22

Thank you Markus and yes, please - it would be great.
14 November 2018, 10:20

Thank you very much to all of you for such a nice comments.
I will try do take some pictures soon and post them here.
22 February 2019, 09:45