13 November 2018, 20:36

Amazing dio. Great detail - is it resin? That is going to take a lot of painting!
14 November 2018, 10:51

The base is a picture frame with balsa wood sides and filled with builders insulation board, which is very easy to work with and shaped etc,the surface is filler and small gravel/sand all sprayed with rattle can car primer. The casualty figures are from the spares box and modified,I am going to use some of the Master Box WW1 figures and ICM accessories and the Tankom MK1 male tank.
14 November 2018, 12:11

Just amazing. I particularly love photo #6 with the telephone cables... Man, I have a log way to go in this hobby... sheesh!...
14 November 2018, 17:52

Base colours and oil paint wash, black+raw umber,hence the shine,will let dry for a couple of days ,then dry brush +detail paint,all will be finished in a Matt spray.
14 November 2018, 21:15

Well eddiemc I am even more impressed. I didnt realise you built the base from scratch. Do you mean bits of cut up 'plaster board' for the basic shapes ?
15 November 2018, 00:41

Its Foam insulation board which is used in the cavities between the building blocks
15 November 2018, 08:51

Started paint job,a lot of washes then dry brushing,I think the trick is small areas at a time, you can over do it and you have to work back.
16 November 2018, 21:21

More wash & dry brush,effect not just what I want !,early days!.A few layers of gloss varnish poured.The ICM accessory kit is amazing 200+ parts, the machine guns alone are mini kits, A+++
17 November 2018, 21:30

Nearly all the figures painted and more weathering done, its coming on "slowley"
11 December 2018, 21:22
Album info
Just getting into this dio,using the Tankom Mk1 "fantastic kit" jumping from tank to dio + figures, at slow time,going to put as much detail into it as possible to my standard. Can't wait to start painting,have been using rust pigmints and paints recently on another project and I think it will work here big time.