Vickers Wellington Mk. IA
7 21 January 2019, 14:46

thanks for sharing, it's given me some great interior references to work with! lovely job too!!
6 August 2019, 11:42

I love the luftwaffe fighters, but when it comes to bombers, nothing compares to the RAF and USAAF planes. Makes me want to drive up to that museum and have a good look around the plane in your pics. Thanks for sharing, a really incredible job.
6 August 2019, 18:22

Beautiful Plane/Model. Outstanding! I hope mine turns out at least half that good!
9 August 2021, 19:14
Album info
Vickers Wellington Mk.IA, No. 20 Operational Training Unit, RAF Lossiemouth Scotland, December 1940. After 20 bombing missions since Sepember 1939, it was directed to this training unit. Crash landed due to engine failure in Loch Ness but the crew was saved, except the tailgunner, who bailed out but his chute didn't open. Discovered at the bottom of the lake by an American diving party, searching for the monster of Loch nes ("Nessie" 😉 and recovered in 1985, now restored and on display at the Brooklands Museum of Motor racing and Aviation, Weybridge, Surrey, UK. (Airfix A08019;