Lockheed S-3B Viking - 1/32, scratch
22 12 February 2019, 10:14

!!!Jaw dropping!!!!Da bin ich aber so was von platt!!!Szczęka mi aż do piwnicy spadła!!!Unbelievable craftsmanship!!!Chapeau Ben!!!
12 February 2019, 11:02

Amazing work, just superb from start to finish, incredible final result , very well done sir !!!
12 February 2019, 15:48

really impressive. fully scratch, that is true modelling!!! congratulations on a true awesome job!
12 February 2019, 15:52

Well, that is some REAL modeling for you....simply stunning 👍
12 February 2019, 19:35

simply amazing build... can you elaborate a bit more on how you made this beauty? Sections in styrene, filled with balsa I presume? Did you use this to make a resin copy for finishing?
13 February 2019, 15:49

Thank you all for your kind comments, I am glad you like it!
Bart, the spaces between the sections were filled with high density PU foam and sheet. There is no resin copy, the skeleton you see on the first pic is still inside the model. I should have made a copy as the model is pretty heavy, but that's too late now.
@Model_Mania, yes, there is indeed a curtain between the front and rear cockpits. In real life, it was almost always open - I closed it to hide that there are no SENSO and TACCO stations inside my model.
14 February 2019, 07:11

Ben, hiding those SENSO and TACCO stations is really a cheap shortcut! 😉 Any scratch built 1/32 scale Viking should at least have that feature... 😄 Simply amazing build! 👍
14 February 2019, 14:52

Ben, can you please talk a bit about the process of skinning the fuselage? Was this done with styrene sheet? Section at a time, vacuformed, how glued to PU foam etc? Thanks much.
14 February 2019, 16:47

No vacuforming was involved in skinning the fuselage. Once the spaces between the ribs were filled with PU foam or sheet and sanded into shape, the whole surface was covered with liquid resin which was then sanded. This was followed by body filler, more sanding, primer, even more sanding and a lot of scribing.
15 February 2019, 08:02

That's an amazing build well done. Maybe an A-3 Skywarrior or a V-22 Osprey could be your next project in 1/32
15 February 2019, 13:43

Liquid resin! Teach me, Sensei... again, inspiring build and publication-worthy building skills. Would love to hear more about the liquid resin technique (dipped, brushed, brand etc.) I was trying to not be lazy, but could not find this covered or answered in any of your other albums or gallery articles (if there is something in print, let me/us know).
15 February 2019, 15:18

@Glenn - both projects are already in the making - among a few others... The very next one will probably be a CH-53E in 32nd scale.
@Alec - I just brush on a thin coat of resin onto the model, the brand does not really matter. It's a good base to obtain a perfect surface.
19 February 2019, 10:02

You're welcome, Alec! Bart, there is a full build report on LSP. There are no photos of the fuselage covered with resin, though.
19 February 2019, 15:29

Thank you all very much for your kind comments, I am really glad you like it!
20 March 2019, 15:02

I saw it yesterday in Veldhoven, absolutely amazing work. You have great skills Ben!
20 October 2019, 08:27

Thank you guys, I'm glad you weren't disappointed when you saw it in the flesh! 🙂
23 October 2019, 08:00

Congratulations. What an amazing build. The carrier deck is fabulous. Did you build that as well? if so where is the build thread for it?
24 October 2019, 11:55

Cheers everybody! 🙂 The Viking go a gold medal in the scratchbuilt category indeed and two special prizes from Gruppo Picchiatello from Italy and Latin Militaire from Chile. The deck was built by my good friend Thomas Matzer; I just had to assemble it, to add my 3D printed padeyes and to paint and weather it. I have some photos which I can post within the next few days.
25 October 2019, 07:42

Inspiring work! 🙂 Nice to see something can be done. Also nice model. 🙂 I thought this was a wooden model or something, so I didn't see the rest of this until today. 😄
25 October 2019, 08:52

Any tips for working with canopy parts, like painting and masking and such? 🙂
15 May 2020, 19:46

Holy cow. I did not even know that was possible. One question, if I may, how do you polish your canopies?
25 August 2020, 00:09

Thanks folks! 🙂 Ben, I use several grades of sanding and polishing papers - available from Micro Mesh for example - nail files and different polishing compounds applied by hand and with my Proxxon.
25 August 2020, 09:05

Saw this yesterday in my iPad edition of ModelFan magazine 🙂
Perfect job, hard to pick what to admire most - maybe the canopy, if I was forced to pick one at gunpoint... Excellent tour of skills & techniques from start to finish 👍
25 August 2020, 09:11

Thank you very much, Slavo - glad you like it and the article.
25 August 2020, 09:47

From start to finish an absolutely incredible build !!
The figures too are beautifully painted, the presentation is top notch as well as the detailing, all round amazing work ! 🙂
26 August 2020, 10:13

Wow, what a journey and what a stunning result! This is true craftsmanship, chapeau
26 August 2020, 20:13

Again, this is nuts. Can't imagine the amount of work and research it took to make this happen 👍 Stunning work.
10 September 2020, 14:17