Faun Elephant SLT-56 Panzer transporter
6 20 February 2019, 07:09

Wow! Fantastic!
Michael, have a look at this! Very inspiring, isnt it? 👍
Great work, Michal! 🙂
20 February 2019, 08:00

A stunning piece of diorama, so much going on visually. 🙂 Could use a figure or two though. I can only guess that it will be a challenge to make figures as good looking as the models.
20 February 2019, 08:29

It certainly is Holly, my other replacement SLT-56 hasn't turned up yet and I ordered it in November. I'd say I've been scammed but can't complain to ebay for another week. I was only saying to Tammy two nights ago I would get myself the HobbyBoss 5 ton MAN to put on the trailer just like Michal so wonderfully has done. Now I guess I have to think of another scenario.🙁
20 February 2019, 08:46

Very impressive! Bundeswehr at its best! How many hours did you work on this diorama?
20 February 2019, 08:47

Well Holly I just went to BNA and they had the MAN in a damaged box for $80Au, seeing how good the combo looks I'm inspired by Michal to do similar.
20 February 2019, 08:58

Very impressive! 👍
I agree with Treehugger that a figure or two, to give a sense of scale and purpose, would really set it off.
I've been thinking of something similar for one of my Leopards.
20 February 2019, 09:07

Wow 80$ AU? That sounds expensive to me! But as you see, the combo is straight! 🙂
20 February 2019, 09:10

I agree. FANTASTIC. Beautiful Dio. Very Nice work, camo and Weatthering 👍
20 February 2019, 10:54

Thank you for positive comments. Chains I got from Accurate armour.
On the begining I was planning put a Leopard as a load, but later I found discount for MAN (around 30 euro). Plus I not big fan of building the tanks. So chooice was simple.
20 February 2019, 14:21

Nice Truck-team! 👍; but why do you so heavy weatherd! I am suffer! 😉
20 February 2019, 15:40

Thanks Michal for getting back to me, I too was going to put a Leopard on the trailer but found that to boring, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw your combo. I had the idea in my head to put the MAN on the back as well, but when I saw your interpretation I knew I could not resist.
20 February 2019, 22:45