F-14B Tomcat 'VF-103 Jolly Rogers'
25 February 2019, 13:02

Curious about the added burner cans. Nice to see one of those being built.
25 February 2019, 16:02

Nice build so far!👍 But please keep in mind to remove the vanes. Only A models could extend them. On B´s they where bolted. And D´s never even had ´em.
20 March 2019, 12:05

Oh, no! I glued them extended following instructions. Thanks for the comment, I will see what I can do.
20 March 2019, 12:40

@ Carlos: No problem mate. Just saw ´em off and sand ´em.😉
Do you know the purpose of these vanes? They made the F-14 pretty unstable when flying mach speed. Without them you can only turn with 2,5 - 3,0 G´s. With the vanes she could turn up to 6,5 G´s, depending on the loadout. But with dogfights around 375 knots (average), the vanes became unnecessary and was bolted or simply not installed.
20 March 2019, 12:52

Thanks for the info, I was just googleling to check. Hopefully, I will work on it tonight.
20 March 2019, 12:55

Yeah, keep up the good work! I´m looking forward!😉 You will apply Jolly Rogers markings? One of my favorites! 🙂
20 March 2019, 12:58

Here is the best F-14 website available. Have fun reading it.
20 March 2019, 13:01

Glove vanes removed. Holger thanks for the advise. I have no excuse, it is very clear in the photo in the model box that glove vanes shouldn't be there. Instructions are not clear and label them as optional. I read your comment after main paintjob but touch-up after surgery should be minimal.
21 March 2019, 07:41

Rolan, Thanks for the advise, I totally agree. Vallejo 71114 is way off. I find Vallejo colours always a bit dark and I tend to lighten them. In this case I used only 30% of 71114 (FS35237)and 70% of 71046 (FS36375) and the colour, being critical, is still in the blue side.
21 March 2019, 07:47

About the experiment with the pre-shading, I love the variations created by white and yellow but blue and red where way too dark and show through the paint too much. In the next model, that is going to be perfect, I will use only dark grey for panel lines and white and yellow for the panels.
21 March 2019, 07:51

Pre shading looks very nice, Carlos. Btw, nice painted ejection handles! And that in 72nd scale!
22 March 2019, 14:07