U-552 "Roter Teufel"
6 2 March 2019, 18:17

Just a few figures with binoculars are missing at the bridge then it would be perfect!
2 March 2019, 18:47

Thanks mates 🙂 And I was looking for some figures, but didn't find any that I felt matched what I was looking for. A set of figures posing like the do on the kit box art would be perfect.
2 March 2019, 18:53

Stein there are quite a few available. Look after CMK, Andrea, Hecker & Goros or Warriors. For my taste Hecker & Goros and Andrea are the best ones.
2 March 2019, 19:43

Where can I find these brands? All I found were the CMK figs, and they didn't match what I want.
2 March 2019, 19:58

Andrea for example zinnfigur.com/Vollfi..rea-Miniaturen/1-72/
Hecker & Goros for example zinnfigur.com/Nach-Hersteller/Hecker-Goros/
Warriors you will find from time to time at Ebay
2 March 2019, 20:37

Warriors you can see here at SCM Search: 1:72 Warriors Kriegsmarine*
2 March 2019, 20:40

Cmk directly from them, I think
Amazing job by the way!!!!!
2 March 2019, 20:45
Album info
Revell 1/72 Type VIIc U-boat
Built mostly OOB.