Mitsubishi Ki.109 Interceptor completed
1 18 March 2019, 21:54

Great subject! Never seen that aircraft before! Frightening mask set too..!
18 March 2019, 22:10

HI Erik, Welcome. 👍 One will only need halve of the masks for this version. No Turrets and no glass nose😉 But it is really a fascinating machine.
It is well done a real stunner though zero impact in combat😉
Built the LS offering long ago .
18 March 2019, 22:16

BTW guys, If you ever want to build this - do not follow the instructions by Hasegawa where to cut the front fuselage for the nose
it is better to cut it ca 5mm further ahead. The nose diameter is too small otherwise.
9 June 2019, 20:19

Hi Greg, of course a warm welcome to you mate... It i still enough place in the first row.. Take a seat and see how not to... 🙂
13 June 2019, 20:42

A lot of sanding and filling with the resin parts is required - as i feared....
3 July 2019, 17:20

Interesting subject Daniel. Looks great so far. Keep up the good work!
3 July 2019, 17:29

Thank you Nathan...i will do my best... but look at this mess 🙂
4 July 2019, 13:01

The fit of the extra parts is a mess and as i said the instructions by Hasegawa are wrong. Do not cut
the nose section as sais there. Leave it as it is.
I had to reassemble the stripe which i falsely cutted off 🙁
4 July 2019, 15:55

Welcome MArtin and Soeren..
But this one looks like a challenging non typical for Hasegawa built.
But some others like Roland managed it without lamenting so should i 🙂
4 July 2019, 17:19

Thanks JAmes, some minor progress and in fact it was my fault with the nose in combination with Hasegawas confusing instructions.. One really has to cut off where Hasegawa instructs it in the manual
but they forgot to tell that you also have to remove the front cockpit section shown in Pic 3!
The last two pics show the correct nose setting for this version.
5 July 2019, 10:26

Thank you stephan and ciap Roberto 👍 Glad that you like it..
But last night out of the blue my compressor did not stop running while i was sleeping. I forgot to witch him off. And the reason that the machine did not shut itself off, is a broken pipe.
See last pic .. DAmn now i have to look for replacement parts.
I hope the engine itself was not damaged because it was fairly hot when i pulled out the plug.
6 July 2019, 09:22

While spraying is out of question anyway continued masking and preparing the surface...
7 July 2019, 14:31

Still one rugged piece of gear, breaking a pipe then soldiering on until it got noticed... 🙂 In the current heat, mine got so hot I could fry an egg on it even during shorter sessions...
You'll surely find a proper occupation until the pipe is sorted, some fancy detail on the landing gear or the engines perhaps?😉
7 July 2019, 15:22

Hi Slavo, spare Part is on the way. I will replace the whole safety valve.
Yea the engines are a wide field for upgrading with this kit but as the covers are very narrow and there will be a big venti behind the spinners you will see nothing afterwards , when you do not want to show it under maintenance with opened Cowlings.
But i have enough other projects that i should take care of, like the base for my Emily and other stuff.🙁
7 July 2019, 15:57

Nice looking aircraft. Didn't knew it either. Will you do a spaghetti camo (Also known as a Jens camo)?
9 July 2019, 13:45

Good to see your compressor back to work! Even my wife agrees that this piece of equipment is of upmost importance!
10 July 2019, 16:13

Welcome Bart, nice to have you here!. No i will do the Prototype scheme as on the kit cover
Hi Nathan, yes and i had a bit of luck that the egine survived it.
So i am able Introduce Miss Peggy Marble 🙂
10 July 2019, 16:16

Thank you Murad and Guy much appreciated mates 👍
First thin layer of IJA Khaki Brown
11 July 2019, 13:29

Aaah, that moment when all the color is on a Japanese WWII bird without a scratch... Never to last long...😉
11 July 2019, 13:32

Hi Slavo, for this special machine it will.. Cause it was not used widely and except of some small scratches caused by maintenance work on it, there will be no damage or battered hull.
11 July 2019, 13:40

Looking good, don't know whether it is still a small step shining through at the nose...
11 July 2019, 13:51

Hi Bart, thank you and do you mean the shadow in front in the last pic?
11 July 2019, 14:05

Hi Mates, thank you for your interest and nice words
@Bart it was putty shining through..good eyes 👍
@ALec: Thank you...well it is getting better but both events in a short time surely it took its toll, and i have no problem to admit, that i needed professional help.. And it was the right decision getting it.
15 July 2019, 20:32

Hi Alec, will do my best ..thank mate 👍
@JAmes Thank you very much, though i could have done better with the resinpart on the back iam quiet satisfied to with the outcome so far
18 July 2019, 10:45

Looking very promising on the final meters! That factory-new paint finish is really nice to look at.
18 July 2019, 11:03

Thank you very much Soeren, Slavo and Stephan for your nice comments. Much appreciated 👍
18 July 2019, 21:04

It looks just perfect on the cookie 👍 The color combination turned out as an excellent background IMHO... I only now noticed it's 72 scale!! That's one great surface finish and super-fine panel work... Top job Daniel 👍
19 July 2019, 19:28

Thank you so much Stephan..👍
@Slavo that are some really encouraging and nice words.. much appreciated and thank you mate 👍
19 July 2019, 19:52

Wow Daniel, that came out great. Love that shading that spills over to the rising suns.
20 July 2019, 01:36

Man... that is just FANTASTIC work. A real beauty. Makes me want to build some Japanese WWII planes...
20 July 2019, 04:32

Thanx mates for your kind and encouraging words 👍
@Nathan thank you and i have to say this hasegawa Decals were really smooth and good.
@Greg Thank you mate and just Do it...please 👍
20 July 2019, 13:41

Daniel, what colour is on the top? It is something like kasshoku tea colour?
20 July 2019, 19:34

Wow Thank you Gentlemen for your nice words and compliments and that the rather rare subject seems to please 👍
qDAvid Yes , but i mixed it from Vallejos 71.287 and 71.285 80/20 percent and filtered it at the end with 71.330 Khaki Green No3 very thin layer.....
For 1/72 the Ak color which is really great looked too dark for me.
20 July 2019, 20:37

Cool plane dude! I really like the panel lining outcome/result. 😄
21 July 2019, 05:08

Red dot on camouflage colour: war machines can look like works of art. Very well done Daniel!
21 July 2019, 12:38

Wonderful! I really like the result of the subtle preshading and the diorama base really makes a difference.
23 July 2019, 02:47

What an interesting subject, what a great model- you did a marvelous job- again!! The vignette underlines the effect of the model, well done!
23 July 2019, 19:00

Many, many thanks mates for all your encouraging an nice comments.. I am really blushed a bit.
Cheers the cookieman 🙂
27 July 2019, 18:13
Album info
One of the many desperate tries of the japanese Air force to decrease the overwhelming USAAF Air superiority...