Wellington (Trumpeter)
1 27 March 2019, 10:28

Oh, that's a very nice one! And it carries a checkerboard 🙂 Bit too glossy though IMHO.
27 March 2019, 15:46

Thanks! @Łukasz, the shine is probably not very realistic indeed. On all my models the final coat is ModelMaster semi-gloss - it looks much better than a matt finish.
1 April 2019, 12:20

Nice looking interior, too bad not much will be seen. I was reading an article (somewhere - can't remember where now..) about how the RAF were doing tests on the best colour for night bombers and did determine that a 'gloss finish' was best when the aircraft was hit by searchlight. Can't remember the exact details, but interesting none-the-less (if you happen to find that sort of thing interesting reading...)
1 April 2019, 13:36

@Gordon, thanks for pointing this out. Did some searching on this topic, and it seems indeed that towards rhe end of the war, undersides were made glossy. However, the Wimpy I modelled is from the early war years.
3 April 2019, 18:31