Eduard 1/48 Fw-190D9
Photo 1 of 19
30 March 2019, 07:09

Thank you, friends. If I honestly wanted to do such as on a historical photo. But the presence of flaps changed the conceived
30 March 2019, 19:18

Excellent - and educational (for me at least...) I did not know 190´s had wooden propellers!😉
10 July 2019, 16:17

Thanks for the comments .this work I have exhibited before .and put again by accident .just the computer updated and I tried to put like .and it turned out that the old review went up. Who is interested in my albums still a lot of work.
10 July 2019, 17:24

Yes, truly impressive work! 👍 Love the broken off propeller blades. What's next? A diorama? 🙂
12 July 2019, 03:56

Simply stunning.👍👍👍 Slavo, the later Fw-190's had wooden props while the earlier ones had metal. Not sure when they changed I think it might have been when they extended the fuselage and started to make the "D" series and Ta-152's. Maybe someone else here knows more.
12 July 2019, 04:43

Thanks to all .over the diorama yet thought. I guess it will. and the rotor blades, I think if your prototype FW-190 is wide, they're probably wooden.
13 July 2019, 08:25

That's right you jolted my memory Alexander, the wide chord props are wooden. Thanks👍🙂
13 July 2019, 11:57

Thanks mates for all the info - I knew Germans used all kinds of hacks in late WWII due to different shortages, but not wooden propellers... Interesting really, since lack of most metals was not the biggest issue afaik, lots of factory-new planes & tanks just standing around without fuel in '44-45. Also that it is mounted on such a high-performance plane surprised me - always learning 👍
13 July 2019, 12:18

That's totally awesome. Have not seen many wrecks in such a good quality 👍
14 July 2019, 07:38

Once again, thank you all was nice to talk. all successful buildings
14 July 2019, 09:26
Album info
Eduard 1/48 Fw-190D9