Ford '32 converted to Nux Car: Mad Max Fury RoadAlbum
6 10 April 2019, 08:31

Great subject. Came out great! I'm going to say this for you: Witness me!!!
10 April 2019, 15:34

That's a great way to celebrate Mad Max's 40th birthday Michal. Well done sir!
11 April 2019, 21:56

I'm glad this was brought to the front of the line... " I live, I die.....I live again!" Frickin' Awesome! 😳
29 June 2020, 04:36

Cool ! „so shiny, so chrome !". 🙂 excellent work,spot on !
What I like most about Fury Road aside the movie itself : Every single vehicle was actually built and running,
no cgi involved. They really had the time of their lives making and driving them.
29 June 2020, 06:54

What George Miller didn't like about the cars was the difference in price, compared to 1979.
He didn't say what they cost but I wouldn't be surprised if the whole budget of the original movie was used to get the three Aussie cars
29 June 2020, 08:20