1995 Corvette Convertible C4 - wipAnzeigen: Diashow Mosaik Liste 1March 13, 2020Let's start the C4 Convertible 2March 16, 2020There is something to grind to get the interior tube on the Chassis properly. 3March 16, 2020Fitting the hight of the chassis. 4March 16, 2020Prepared and ready to paint 5March 16, 2020Done. 6March 19, 2020Clear cote - done 7March 26, 2020The most detail painting is done. The rest I'll see when I put the parts together. 8March 28, 2020The stupid black parts are in the kit. Really stupid. So I did my own, clear lights. 9March 28, 2020To get the hood closed properly, I removed some of the material. Important is the hight of the suspension. So this is what I had to do. 10March 28, 2020 11March 28, 2020The rear exhaust had to be fitted to the rear panel. 12March 28, 2020The engine compartment looks full but good. Like it 13March 28, 2020Done. 14March 28, 2020 KommentareDeaktiviertProject info1995 Corvette Convertible C432 Bilder1:25FertiggestelltAlle AlbenAlle Alben anzeigen »