Citroën 2CV Charleston WIP
17 June 2019, 19:09

This one will be for my 6 week old niece, the H will be for her 5 year old brother. Their grandfather is a mechanic a at Citroën dealer, that might explain the brand of the cars?
17 June 2019, 19:55

Keep it coming James. I like a well devolved thread! Where's Don D2?
I'm thinking about the pink. I could do it in the same colour as my Caddy. But I also have some old pink nailpolish lying around.
17 June 2019, 20:08

Welcome Chris. Still in prep stage though. Brought along food and drink?
19 June 2019, 21:25

Almost 9ml of nail polish sprayed, but not opaque enough. Second attempt soon!
26 June 2019, 21:23

Welcome Nathan. Especially for you I sprayed a second coat of (a different) pink nail polish. This is a bit more WOW than the first colour
29 June 2019, 13:04

My hobby room / computer room reeked of Mr self levelling thinner. Wasn't nice with the temperatures we have.
29 June 2019, 16:33

Your color choice is the only thing that feels a bit like peeing on a picasso, especially the two tone Charlestons were beauties...
2 July 2019, 08:44

I agree with Daniel....a pink Charleston? The Grey/Grey Charleston is my all time favourite.......But to each his own
2 July 2019, 10:38

No Peter! I should've been Lambo ORANGE! LOL! I'm curious to see this one finished.
2 July 2019, 12:26

"Peeing on a Picasso" 😄
I'm making this for a very lovely little girl. (most) Girls like pink? My 2CV will be a pink/black Charleston. For the doubters, Chris Greathouse has the perfect argument why; Because I want it!
Tim, ugly ducks come in all colours of the rainbow, especially the older ones 😉
3 July 2019, 09:31

Daniel Klink! You hexed my build with your Picasso comment!
Look what you did in picture 13 🙁
3 July 2019, 14:23

Karma is a bitch......No i am really sorry for this Martin..🙁
That was not my intention anyway
3 July 2019, 14:59

I know Daniel 👍 Just having fun in the comments section.
Nathan, only half a bottle. But it just doesn't stick to the plastic. I already stripped most of the paint with older leftover tape. Last nooks and crannies are being done with Nail Polish Remover (acetone free).
Now what? Not doing the NP experiment again. I don't want to use the same pink as on the Caddy. I've got some Vallejo Pale Flesh or Alclad Candy Ruby Red. Or a mixture of some of the above. Suggestions?
3 July 2019, 16:19

Hm perhaps i overread it but what color did you use ..manufacturer..i mean
3 July 2019, 16:46

Did you spray without a primer? If you mix a little colour in with the primer it will help when the paint (or nailpolish in this case) is very translucent. You can also try to make your tape less agressive by sticking it to your cutting mat a couple of times before applying it to the model (clean the cutting mat first, ask me how I picked up that little nugget of wisdom)
Vallejo do a white and a bright red primer......mix them to get........
3 July 2019, 17:56

Daniel, it was NYC nailpolish. Some obscure brand?
Wim, I didn't use a primer. I mixed the paint with mr color thinner and the combo should be hot enough to nearly melt the plastic. It didn't, but the nailpolish didn't adhere as well. I always stick the tape to the back of my hand (not the inside, there are oils and stuff there) to make it less sticky.
Mixing paints isn't my cup of tea. I always screw up the second batch and end up with different colours. Counting drops of paint is HARD!
The Ruby Red is sounding better by the minute....
3 July 2019, 19:19

I bet if you used mr surfacer primer first, the polish would adhere better.
3 July 2019, 19:33

Donald, it would. BUT I only have a dark grey and black Surfacer. The pink wouldn't have been pink if I had used one of them.
Lode, thanks for the vote of confidence.
Truth is, I gambled and I lost. So I stopped weeping after about an hour and started peeling the Duck. And it really was that easy. Just stick a bit of tape, pull, and away is the paint. The harder to reach parts were done with nail polish remover (without acetone). Spent a whole afternoon and evening cleaning and polishing the Duck.
This morning I applied a white primer from Vallejo and a couple of minutes ago finished spraying Vallejo Squid Pink: 72.713 Squid Pink, Vallejo Game Air Matt, Acrylic, 17ml
Daniel, one word about a certain Spanish painter, and you'll join him in being history! 😉
4 July 2019, 14:29

That looks like that'll work! Just don't tell anyone it's from a squid!
4 July 2019, 14:46

Yay for squid pink 🙂 That's what I painted my '68 VW Bug with... Glad you got over this hurdle and picked yourself up again 😄
4 July 2019, 17:56
🙂 so everything should be fine now i think..
4 July 2019, 18:06

I was on a roll! Primed white, painted pink, so why not prime some black as well?
DK; we're good 👍
Thanks James!
4 July 2019, 20:08

The Squid Pink came out nice Martin. Should I start a discussion about the accuracy of the color though? It just doesn't look "Squidy" enough... 🙂
4 July 2019, 22:47

Barbie Squid?
Just worked for almost an hour and a half masking this. The Charleston curves are hard to get right.
5 July 2019, 15:53

Anubis, Thor & Zeus, join your divine forces and bless this adhesive taping with the properties to deny access for colors to places unwanted, but then release this little car-servant of yours without taking any of his gentle pink skin with you!!!
5 July 2019, 16:00

I'm going to Hindu for Martin and bringing forth the power of Ganesh. The remover of obstacles.
5 July 2019, 16:56

Let Dionysus bring the beer!!!! 👍👍
Didn't want to wait till tomorrow and risk that the tape set too much.
It's an above average succes. Some bleed in a couple of places. Lift of pink on the inside (which should be gray anyway). I'm happy 😄
5 July 2019, 18:05

Not to be that guy, buuuuut. Did you decide not to do the exact paint job in the pic of the original? Because the black goes all the way across the doors on the bottom. Looks good regardless. Just curious.
5 July 2019, 21:29

Divine intervention Marty? I will call upon Charlie Brown's Great Pumpkin to help me finish the Ducati today then!
5 July 2019, 22:10

Thank you my Mates.
Peter, I will drink my last sip of Pumpkin Juice in encouraging!
Donald, I decided to do a pink and black Duck. The black strip on the original is a chrome decal in the kit. I always intended to use that decal 🤔 Or I didn't have a plan, Lode says it's always like that with me.
Anyhow, I might do something about it, or I won't. Three strong beers make it hard to decide. I'll sleep on it! 👍
5 July 2019, 23:21

Geeze Marty, I can almost taste that! Looking forward to the showroom shine!
7 July 2019, 08:26

Pfff. Had an exhausting week. Finally found some time today for the hobby.
So I did some assorted painting. Some grey, aluminium, steel, seat belts, wash on the seats, etcetera.
13 July 2019, 20:44

I failed to upload some pictures due to some draining meh time at work. But here they are! I actually had an interesting time.
I polished the body work, glossed it with Alclad aqua gloss, decaled everything, screwed up the last decal, bought another kit to get the decal, finished decaling, glossed again with Alclad aqua gloss, painted the canvas roof cover, painted assorted bits and pieces with Alclad Chrome, etc. etc.
Final assembly and a last polish might be done this weekend?
6 August 2019, 21:02

Send me a picture of his 2CV. Perhaps I can build the extra one for him (not yet a promise 😉 )
6 August 2019, 21:11

This build seems to have the "second attempt" curse cast upon it...😉 But the re-do results are really something to look at again 👍. The silver curve looks great. Also love the F-19, brings-up memories of youth...
6 August 2019, 21:14

it looks great...
Darling, i ruin a decal, now i have to get another 2CV (the A-37B and F-19 can be ignored)... Sounds like a good excuse 😛
6 August 2019, 22:50

Those decals look great! This is turning out great!
I had to buy a whole kit for a part I lost once as well. Though I dont remember that turning into 3 kits.😉 The A-37B is nice, but SMALL
6 August 2019, 23:00

Thanks guys.
This build truly goes for the perseverance award. I glossed the decals over last night. Normally I would start polishing today, but I think I'll gloss them over once more, to be on the safe side.
Donald, true the A-37 is small. About the same size as the Magister I think. Nothing unusual in my 1/72 collection 😉 The F-19 is 1/144, now that's small. And after a peek in the box, I can confirm it is an OLD kit. Flash here and there, squibly panel lines. Another adventure in waiting!
7 August 2019, 06:16

I once had this one... Can´t remember what happened to it though 🙂
F-19 Stealth Fighter (Revell 4580, 1:48)
7 August 2019, 09:30

Slavo, the stealth plane is sitting on your lowest shelf, right in the middle. Can't you see it? 😄
7 August 2019, 16:00

Added some BMF to the trim on the left side. Right side some other day
7 August 2019, 16:49

Yes, the engine is great and work overall, but the pink burns in my eyes! A girlies car😉
7 August 2019, 18:00

The pink is a part of the deal, weaker individuals resolve would shatter on it & take another color... but not Martin...😉
7 August 2019, 19:51

I don't have resolve. I'm plain and simple old fashioned stubborn. Luckily I am, today the airbrush got all goo-ey with Ammo's crystal red, twice. First time I thought there might have been some lacquer thinner left in the cup. Turns out the paint in the eyedropper top bit was very thick.
Also in the news today. I added some bmf as windows trim. I painted some rubbers around windows. Painted the rear lights (hence the crystal red) and front indicator lights. And sprayed a final gloss coat. Perhaps I can get to polishing the body tomorrow and get to final assembly in the weekend?
Will post pictures later.
8 August 2019, 15:42

After another day of polishing and glueing bits and pieces, some pieces several times, she is DONE!
Album with completed pictures can be found here Completed Citroën 2CV Charleston | Album by Mahoo76 (1:24)
9 August 2019, 13:28

Praise from Bob the Car Builder, I could get used to that 🙂
Praise from a Laurent on a French car, also nice.
Tim and Tom, the dynamic duo 👍
Thank you all!
9 August 2019, 19:42