Bart GoesaertAutor Started construction of this new kit from AFV... A lot of small parts, but very easy to build so far and pretty detailled OOB... Most subassemblies are in dryfit, due to still a need for cleaning up or painting later on...
bughunter Not my topic, but if Bart soldered PE 👍 I must look ...
21 June 2019, 17:38
Bart GoesaertAutor Thx for interest. My soldering skills are basic, bughunter, so don't expect too much...
22 June 2019, 11:49
Alec K I am sure more advanced than mine 👍. Following.
22 June 2019, 12:26
Album info
My goal with this project is to make two different guntrucks. The Ace of spades, with an armored rear, and 4-5 MG's and then King Cobra with an obsolete M113 ACAV hull on the rear.
The American bases in Vietnam depended on trucks and air support to be supplied with ammunition, food, ... These trucks were at first unarmed and unarmored and made an ideal target for ambushes (Something the Vietnamese people learned from their war against the french). Also the chiefs didn't want the trucks to be armed. After a large loss, the soldiers of the transport company took matters in their own hands, scored some .50 cals, armor plates, and started construction of the first guntrucks. These consisted of a standard truck, with an interchangeable "container" at the rear and at first m60's and M2 machineguns, but later on also 20mm miniguns. Decorations on the all black trucks got more and more fancy over the time. In a normal transport every 8th or 10th truck was a gun truck...