Arii/Otaki Ki-43-II 63rd Sentai
10 28 July 2019, 20:33

Really nice overall finish with the different greens and the chipping, plus an amazing scratch effort on the cockpit 👍 Good job!
28 July 2019, 21:10

This is just fantastic! I have hyperscaled the cockpit of an ARII N1K1-J "Jack" kit. However, your job here is just off-the-charts good in comparison.
26 April 2021, 18:27

Thanks fellas! Really glad to hear you like it! Should probably be more proactive on here and post more pictures of my other models at some point.
28 April 2021, 21:58

I love every time this one comes up in the feed. Its great seeing life breathed into an old kit.
28 April 2021, 22:40

Oh I need to follow this example when I build mine! Excellent work!
28 April 2021, 23:23
Album info
This is the old Otaki (reboxed by Arii) kit extensively reworked. Cockpit and wheel wells scratchbuilt. Gear legs replaced with legs from the Nichimo Ki-43-I and leg covers made from sheet stock. The kit engine was plumbed using lead wire, push rods from aluminum wire and an exhaust collector ring made from styrene rod and milliput. The cowl flaps were cut out and replaced with ones made from soda can aluminum and plastic sheet stock and aluminum wire actuating rods. The type 100 gunsight was scratchbuilt and the canopy replaced with a vac form one from Rob Taurus. All markings are painted on using custom tape masks. Finish is Alclad II lacquers and Colourcoats paints.