New Mancave
6 25 September 2019, 20:11

So after more than a year, in wich we moved house, renovating it to such an extent that the wife is more than happy, I finaly can start turning the attic into my mancave to be.
After he instalation of the dormer windows I was so clumsy of fracturing my elbow what hampered the start of this undertaking.
25 September 2019, 20:21

Sometimes, ceiling light might be more desirable than natural light I think. So, maybe a good idea to figure out a way to cover the windows in summer time if working at day time I am thinking. Though, sitting with the back to the window should help if the light from the windows feels glaring.
25 September 2019, 20:41

@ Threehugger, The windows are facing due East, so direct sunlight will be gone round midday, and I've projected some blinds as well when it's finished so I'll see no problem with that. And other wise;improvise, adapt, overcome 😉 But I also have a light plan on hand as welll.
@Spanjaard, good luck I need, The attic was/is completly bare, so only basic powerpoints/lights (and on the wrong spot), no insulation, no heating, no dividing wall so I can eat my heart out displaying my building skills.
26 September 2019, 18:22

the good thing of having it totally bare... is that you can build it to your own preference😉 lots of work ahead, and great satisfaction at the end. succes met de verbouwing 🙂
26 September 2019, 19:30

Made some headway the last weeks, completed the framing for the deviding wall and almost all the framing for the plasterboard is done. One tricky thing left,.... the part above the abyss of the stairwell. When that's done I can put in the rest of the insulation in. All in all happy with the result so far.
18 October 2019, 21:13

Amazing transformation, a lot of work, but such a great use of space. The perfect retreat, nice one! 👍
24 February 2020, 14:08

Thank you guys for the positive comments. Hoping the next weeks to finish all the plasterboarding, having three weeks off work. No travels due to Covid, so plenty of time to do some hard yakka. And I think this is also an interesting aspect of our hobby, to show others where you do your thing. And I'm aware of being lucky to have such a dedicated space for myself. (when it's finished 🙂
25 August 2020, 18:18

Thanks, Erik.
Now for some serious seam work the comming days. 🙂
But that's for us modellers not a big deal.
Hoping to have it al done and finished in the next 2 months, so that I can unpack the last boxes and start building in a smaller scale than 1:1
Saw in your quartet build of the 104's that you treated yourself also with a very nice new and light mancave.
Keep up the nice work.
9 September 2020, 08:27