Towed Tank Destroyer, Ardennes jan 1945
42 6 July 2020, 16:45

Very realistic scenery with top painted vehicles and figures! Here you can feel the cold.
6 July 2020, 16:50

Thanks Neuling. My first attempt with snow, I'm quite happy with the result I must say. I think other Ardennes projects will follow soon!
6 July 2020, 17:06

I like how the diorama is mostly the figures and the vehicles, raging tall so to speak. 🙂
Btw, we can now apparently flip though the albums with the arrow keys. Though, using the arrows keys to correct typed text is an issue there though, because it apparently activates the album photo flip feature as well, but I suspect this will be improved over time.
6 July 2020, 17:11

Very nice job !!! Figures, weathering, dio composition, all perfect !!!! 👌👌
10 September 2023, 13:35

This is so very very good. The figures are excellent and the canvas cover is superb.
29 October 2023, 23:58