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Ludvík Kružík (KLuK)

Sokol SAR, Czech Air Force - stavba


8 8 October 2020, 17:29
Ludvík Kružík Autor
Current photos added to the album Sokol SAR, Czech Air Force - construction
 13 October 2020, 19:42
it's very nice. will you do panel line in the white areas ??
 13 October 2020, 20:02
Ludvík Kružík Autor
Yes, but only slightly, in the photographs of the actual machine, the dividing lines of the panels are not very visible.
 14 October 2020, 08:06
yes u may need a panel scriber tool before doing the panel line
 14 October 2020, 20:42
Ludvík Kružík Autor
Can you recommend a line drawing tool? I use heavily diluted oil paints as standard.
 15 October 2020, 09:42
i tryied several, the best kind for me: (with other kind of tool i always do a mistake after 5 or 10min and fail a line..)
 15 October 2020, 09:52
Jasper Breur
Very nice work! And a subject you don't see often!
 15 October 2020, 10:47
Ludvík Kružík Autor
to Jayjay999: Thanks for the tip
to Jasper Breur: Thank you for the compliment
 15 October 2020, 12:21
Ludvík Kružík Autor
I added new photos from the construction process of the model to the album "Sokol SAR, Czech Air Force - construction". I tried (so far without gluing) to put both rotors on the fuselage. I glued the door to the fuselage in the open position, added antennas and lights ... and embarked on further production of details ...
 17 October 2020, 21:30

Project info

225 Bilder
1:48 W-3A Sokol (Eduard FE1061)1:48 W-3A Sokol (Eduard EX679)1:48 PZL W-3A Sokół (Answer AA48002)

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