8 1 January 2021, 19:40

The reason for me to buy this kit was 76 mm version. My kit also included 75 mm metal barrel but without rifling, which is real shame, because plastic parts for 75 mm have it. But decals for 76 mm version (1 variant among 4) on historical photos of real tank ([img1]) has another turret (OSF) without casting surface and with sharp edges and also this very tank had no collar on gun mantlet after refitting new gun. So, I`m building "what if "78" " was refitted with 76 mm (with 100 of 254 actually refitted, it is big possibility).
As for build, it was easy, aside of tracks. Long wood ammo box is from Marder II kit. The casting texture is great, but a had to fix my mistake on turret with offset of parts and to soft edges of casting numbers. Also I had made a mistake with commander`s cupola, but partly it was a problem with instructions and no pins for its alignment (also it doesn`t went on its place without some sanding) and partly because I thought it was welded, not bolted to surface.
1 January 2021, 20:36

But you have optional muzzle brake on sprue
2 September 2022, 03:11