Krupp 21cm Morser 10/16
February 7, 2021It's been snowing all day, and I wanted something not too big to do today, so I started this beast of a gun.2
February 7, 2021This is my second Takom kit, and it is a very nice kit. The fit is great, no flash or anything like that. Even the PE parts went together without any trouble.3
February 7, 20214
February 7, 2021The "loader" I do not know the actual technical term of this part of the gun, but it was very difficult and fiddly. I got it on, but its a little crooked.5
February 7, 2021Also difficult were the braces that hold on the shield. Once again I finally got it together, but it took a long time of dry fitting and messing around with this part.6
February 7, 2021Even though there were a few difficult parts, I thoroughly enjoyed building this gun. It only took me about 5 hours to complete. I loved these wheels, and the whole gun looks pretty impressive.7
February 7, 20218
February 7, 20219
February 7, 202110
June 7, 202111
June 7, 2021Just primed this with Mr. Finishing Surfacer 1500. I really like the way this primer works. Normally i have been using Migg One Shot and I have been very happy with that primer, but this is much nicer to spray.12
June 7, 2021I just started using this primer, and I love it. It stinks to high hell, but it is very easy to use, and gives you a great surface to work with. I was using Migg One Shot primer up until now.13
March 2, 2022This is my first attempt painting this type of camo scheme. I did it by hand. I used Tamiya Dark Green, and Red Brown, with Flat Black boarders. I like the way it came out.14
March 2, 202215
March 2, 2022I know this is not the right paint scheme for the Canadian capturing markings, but I thought it was to cool of a look to not put on the graffiti decal.16
March 2, 2022
5 7 February 2021, 01:40
Project info
16 Bilder