F/A-57 - Kitbash experiment

Looks deadly! Great and successfull work. Looking forward for the decals.

Great combo - funny thing is this actually looks very much like some of the post-Flanker - pre-Felon Russian paper-Stealth-fighters! 👍

Thanks Konrad, Roland, Maciej, Clifford and Slavo. Much appreciated. 🙂
@Maciej: I am not sure about additional decals, as in my mind the project is sort of completed.
My goal was to fuse these two aircraft to create some hopefully cool looking fighter and to get some experience with cutting and Milliput.
But maybe you are right, why stop there? 👍
This bird should receive some decals, ordnance (shouldn't leave those pylons empty) and some light weathering.

That's an interesting idea. I'd like to do a kitbash myself, inspired by Arma 3 near-future jets, like the F/A-181 or the To-201, arma3.com/dlc/jets.

Yeah, F/A-181 and the To-201 are cool jets. The F/A-181 is a mix of the F-22 and the Super Hornet, while the To-201 looks like a Su-57 with Mig-29 wings.
You should definetly try kitbashing. It can be both frustrating but also a lot of fun.
That's right, I used a Su-57/T-50 kit for this project. The other one was Italeri's F/A-18E.
Thanks everyone. 🙂
Album info
1:72 Kitbashed "F/A-57"
Some time last year, I murdered an Italeri F/A-18E and I believe it was a Zvezda T-50 (2725).
First real attempt at kitbashing and I'd say the result is very crude.
I used a part of the Hornet's fuselage and joined it with the Su-57 after cutting off its nose. Lots of Milliput and sanding.
Instead of using the stabilizers of the SU-57 I used the one from the Hornet.
I tried to recreate an enclosed cockpit like some fighters of the Ace Combat Series use, didn't really work out well, though.
For the camo I tried to somewhat recreate that USAF scheme used on the F-22. I don't know what it is called.
It was a fun project.
I really like futuristic or let's say fictional aircraft. I hope I can do something like that again.