Tiger I
February 23, 2021My son built this Tiger kit. He sent to my house to paint.2
February 23, 2021I primed it with Mig One Shot black primer. I am starting to get a hang on using this stuff.3
February 23, 2021Painted the base color Tamiya XF88 dark yellow 2.4
February 23, 2021I really like this XF88 dark yellow 2. It's lighter and the details seem to stand out better than the normal Tamiya dark yellow.5
February 23, 20216
February 23, 20217
February 23, 2021I know that Tiger 332 did not look like this, but my son found this color scheme and this is how he wanted to paint it, so I did.8
February 23, 2021It actually look pretty cool. I used Tamiya XF87 IJN gray, and Tamiya XF89 dark green 2.9
February 23, 202110
February 23, 2021I like how this looks except the large round mark on the top of the turret. It looks a little clumsy to me.11
February 23, 202112
February 23, 202113
March 16, 2021So I started to paint all the tools and chipping. I mostly use Mig and Vallejo paints when brush painting. I also use a brush for the chipping. This take forever, but I really like the effect once I am done. I used sand, German grey, and dark rust color for my chipping.14
March 16, 202115
March 16, 202116
March 16, 202117
March 16, 2021This was several hours of painting paint chips. I think it look really good. I didn't have the energy to do any more than this.18
March 16, 2021When I was painting the front track holder, I wasn't very happy with the way it was turning out, but once I stepped away from it, I think it actually looks pretty good.19
March 18, 202120
March 18, 202121
March 18, 202122
March 18, 202123
March 18, 202124
March 18, 202125
March 18, 202126
March 18, 202127
March 18, 202128
March 23, 202129
March 23, 202130
March 23, 202131
March 23, 202132
March 23, 202133
March 23, 202134
March 23, 202135
March 23, 202136
March 23, 202137
March 28, 202138
March 28, 202139
March 28, 202140
March 28, 202141
March 28, 202142
March 28, 202143
March 28, 202144
April 4, 2021I was able to get the rubber tracks to glue together fairly easy. I just used superglue, as the little tabs that connect the tracks together were too small to melt and smash. I was worried that the superglue would not hold, but so far, so good.45
April 4, 2021The tracks look pretty bare. I used AK European dirt, and light sienna pigments. Then went over them with Ammo polished metal pigment, sealed them all in with thinner, and this is how they came out. I finally gave up on them because now every time you touch the tracks, your hands turn black, so I am done with these and calling it done.46
April 4, 202147
April 4, 202148
April 4, 2021This was my Son and mine first Tiger tank. I am very happy with the way it turned out. I know its not prefect, but it by far the best model that we have build to date. With every kit, we learn a little more, and refine our skills. I am looking forward to our next tank, which is going to be the Tamiya King Tiger.49
April 4, 202150
April 4, 202151
April 4, 202152
April 4, 202153
April 4, 2021
10 23 February 2021, 08:35
Project info
53 Bilder
Pz.Kpfw. VI Ausf. E Tiger I (early)

s.Pz.Abt. 503 332
Oktober 1943 World War 2 - Eastern Front
