36 30 March 2021, 11:26

I should...but that'll take time...time I could spend on a new build...he he...???
31 March 2021, 00:10

The roo got me in. Something I never knew. And a great result mate. 👍 🙂
31 March 2021, 00:17

Yes, it should be in one of the dark greens that the Italians used instead of the sand colour. The Roo's is correct it's just Tammy getting the colour call outs wrong again. But nevertheless it's a stunning build you've produced here mate. I bow to your skill mate!
31 March 2021, 00:43

Right or wrong ...... the stunning paint work and weathering look very good!👍
31 March 2021, 08:28

Cheers guyz...I'm still finding conflicting references...but either way...I'm not repainting it now...???
6 April 2021, 00:03

Nice. Reminds me of a very old Verlinden diorama with this and AFAIR an Italeri Pz.kpfw 1B. Yours is much more realistic though!
6 April 2021, 08:51

Cheers all...sorry for the long absence...been crazy working at the hospital of late... 😉
22 October 2021, 01:52
Album info
Tamiya M13/40 Italian medium tank. Captured by the Aussies and used against its former owners. ***Apparently the colour scheme is historically inaccurate...but hey, I just followed the instructions...sue me.. 🙂