U-boot VIIc/41 Revell w 1:72
98 3 June 2021, 09:02

Did you use oils, and if so, how did you layer it, was there any important method for avoiding the colors just being added at random?
3 June 2021, 11:03

Yep. Oil paints were used. Each layer was protected by acrylic mat varnish.
3 June 2021, 12:35

Enjoying the dry dock base too! Inspirational work - so much detail to take in. Well done on a fantastic result.
3 June 2021, 17:42

Good Evening, Michał Thanks so much for building, thanks so much for sharing and thanks so much for allowing the rest of us to see what can be achieved. Catch Ya, Logan
14 July 2021, 03:24

Wow what an amazing model!! It's just the perfect example of how to paint and weather a submarine.
14 July 2021, 06:22

Excellent U-boat! I am impressed with the weathering, particularly on the lower hull - very convincing.
15 July 2021, 00:44

What an amazing work you did there man! Respect! I absolutely love it.
25 November 2021, 17:08

Witam jakich farb i kolorów użyłeś do malowania okrętu pytam o poklad i kadłub
1 May 2023, 18:53

Beautiful work, great weathering effects and life brought to the subject by the inclusion of the figures.
6 May 2023, 11:15

I'm astonished this is hands down the best U boat I've ever seen amazing work!
6 May 2023, 18:41