HE-111 Night Bomber, (Battle of Britan).
Photo 1 of 37
29 21 February 2022, 02:51

I got the fuselage closed up and the wings and stabs installed, after doing thousands of rivets. Lol.
6 March 2022, 02:25

Welcome James and Yavuz. I will get some pictures up soon.
6 March 2022, 20:17

Quick update, engine cowlings done and ready to install. Cockpit finished and installed. Pictures soon.
13 March 2022, 03:48

Quick update, engine nacells installed, and canopy masked off, all most ready for primer.
17 March 2022, 00:25

Thank you James. I got the decals sealed today, hope to start weathering soon.
28 March 2022, 01:04

Thats a big spade and a really good looking one👍 Keep it up Cliffod👍
29 March 2022, 22:53

Thank you very much Jim, and Daniel. I got the wash on today.
30 March 2022, 01:28

Welcome WhiteGlint. Quick update, she has her legs now and all masking is remove, just need to finish the weathering and add rest of fiddly bits.
2 April 2022, 02:11

Welcome Nathan. It is finished except for finishing the weathering. I will try and get some pictures up soon.
5 April 2022, 23:06

Nice work Clifford 👍
Where do you put all these builds?! I'm always amazed at your output.
8 April 2022, 10:26

Thank you very much James, WhiteGlint, David, Guy and Nathan. Your kind words are most appericated. @ Nathan, I have a basement and upstairs that is lined with shelves and display cases and alot of them go to my youngest son. He likes to collect them but could not build one if his life depended on it. My other 2 son's snatch one or two now and then also.
8 April 2022, 23:44

Look nice Clifford. The weathering looks quite good. I'm waiting for summer time to start a bomber build and you build really make me eager to start it. 😛
10 April 2022, 12:15

Thank you very much Guillaume, Roland, Neil and Jim. Your kind words really mean a lot.@ Guillaume, go for it. I think when I finish the SU-7 I am slogging my way through. I am going to do my JU-88A4.
12 April 2022, 00:02

I have been building jets for so long, it was fun building the last 3 prop jobs. The 2 B-26's and the He-111.
13 April 2022, 00:25

As a lover of piston aircraft, I'm on board with the props. (I like jets too) I had to go check out your B-26s as well. Nicely done on those too
13 April 2022, 03:24
Album info
Monogram's HE-111 Night Bomber, Battle of Britan).