P-51D Mustang, Eduard, 1/48
46 22 May 2022, 17:58

It looks really great. Do not forget to remove the masking of the cockpit 😉
16 August 2022, 19:32

Great masking and painting! Are the details of the girl hand painted? 👍
17 August 2022, 13:48

Thank you Björn, The details of the girl are hand painted.
Merci Huma.
18 August 2022, 07:30

a very nice Mustang. One technical question. You used ink brush pens for weathering. In your blog you write that you blend it with a moist brush. Moist with what? I suppose water won´t work. White spirit?
19 August 2022, 19:45

Thank you Michael. I use water, I will add this precision on the blog.
19 August 2022, 20:04
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