MyAlbumAnzeigen: Diashow Mosaik Liste« Prev12Next » 12345678910111213 Photo 1 of 13Kommentare 8 1 October 2022, 22:33RuiThis looks great! 👍 Which kit is this? Thanks 1 October 2022, 23:36GR QXit could be Amusing Hobby OR Dragon. 2 October 2022, 01:18Rui SBelo trabalho 👍 . O modelo Trumpeter vai para um Dio? 2 October 2022, 01:29José Manuel Moral Autor@rui da Silva, It is the Trumpeter model, reference 05527 @GR QX, No, it's Trumpeter's model. @Rui S, Surely, in a scene from the Norwegian campaign 7 October 2022, 22:39Project infoCarro de combate Neubaufahrzeug Type I13 Bilder1:35In BearbeitungScratchbuiltAlle AlbenAlle Alben anzeigen »