Vertigo jig 7248 Jets.Anzeigen: Diashow Mosaik Liste 1October 6, 2022Here is the jig after the uprights were glued together. 2October 6, 2022Purchased these pads from a hardware store here in Australia. Much better than the padding supplied with the jig. Soft and very grippy, without being scratchy. 3October 6, 2022Just had to cut to suit the jig parts. Minimal trimming required. 4October 6, 2022 5October 6, 2022 6October 6, 2022 7October 6, 2022 8October 6, 2022With my current project. I have swapped the front and rear supports around the other way. Jig is easy to adjust. Time will tell how often it is used. Kommentare 2 6 October 2022, 03:21Project infoVertigo jig 7248 jets8 Bilder1:1FertiggestelltAlle AlbenAlle Alben anzeigen »