Airfix Ju 87 R-2/Trop
Photo 1 of 18
11 13 October 2022, 20:05
Album info
Made from two Airfix kits, about 70% a kit my dad bought me when I was a child, the rest a kit I purchased as a donor kit. Donor kit plastic had turned bad, brittle like resin and didn't take glue. Oil thinners started to crumble the old plastic, at which point I called it done.
It was never meant to be a prize winner, but it was hastily completed once the plastic started reacting with the oil thinners. I did not repair every crack, as it helps remind me to never use oils on rotten Airfix plastic again.
Completed first in my 4-Stukas-at-once build.
Parts changed:
New Airfix:
Chin schoop face
Bomb crutch
Tail wheel
Elevator balances
Drop tanks
Tropical intake filter
Pilot of unknown origin.