Lockheed F-117A Nighthawk
Photo 1 of 32
40 17 October 2022, 19:46

Warching interestingly. Mine is on the shelf of doom, or rather in the box of almostnevergonnafinishit 🙁
18 October 2022, 04:21

Welcome Augie, Maciej and Roland. It came to me a couple of weeks ago while watching Great Planes on You Tube that I had never built an F-117, so I bought one, this one was inexpensive and looked pretty good. I found an Acadmey one for a good price. It is more detailed than this one, but I will finish this one.
18 October 2022, 23:20

Got all the putty work done, time to start thinking about primer.
19 October 2022, 22:26

Thank you very much Neil. The challange with this one is going to be making an all blck aircraft look interesting, and not just an all black blob.
24 October 2022, 00:29

Various dark greys as an undercoat and build up black until it gets interesting?
24 October 2022, 03:01

@ John, that is what I plan on doing. @ Villiers de Vos, yes it will bebut it will be worth it.
24 October 2022, 21:45

Finally some progress on this one, it required a sanding down and total re-paint, after I put the first coat of the base color down. My paint went wonky on me, I do not know if it went bad in the bottle or recated with my primer. I almost threw it in the trash. But I sanded it all down and re-primed and re-painted it. I got the gloss coat on today. Will let it dry good for a few days and then start the decals. In the mean time I start a Hasegawa Rhino.
31 October 2022, 23:58

I have not given up on this one, the decals were unusable. I am waiting on new decals to arrive.
8 November 2022, 00:59

cockpit decals? who needs cockpit decals when you have a steady hand, a fine brush, and the patience of a monk.
8 November 2022, 06:05

It was the national and squadron markings. I have a new set from Carcal, on the way.
8 November 2022, 23:35

You still got some seats free? Very nice cockpit, Clifford.
9 November 2022, 09:30

Thank you very much Robin, and welcome. The new decals arrived yesterday afternoon, so I started the decals today.
9 November 2022, 21:40

Decals finished. I applied the wash today, will take it off tomorrow and get some pictures. I am not at all happy with how this one is turning out.
12 November 2022, 23:04

Nice work Clifford and good save re the issues with paint and decals you had. 👍
I was surprised at how big the F-117 was when I was looking over my kit.
7 December 2022, 15:59

Thank you very much Augie, Villiers, Maciej, Neuling and James. Your kind words mean a lot. @Neuling, maybe someday I will master the photo part, but I will try and get some more better ones. @ James, it is bigger than I thought it would be, but luckly it fits in my display case.
8 December 2022, 01:51

Thank you very much Robin. Your kind words are much appericated.
10 December 2022, 02:07
Album info
Monogram's High Tech 1/48 F-117A Nighthawk.