Humvee GMV Enduring Freedom
50 29 January 2023, 16:40

It is not easy to find good reference pictures of a GMV, but I found this sweet walkaround
29 January 2023, 16:44

The Norwegian Government just annonced the procurment of 54 Leopard 2A7. My GMV project might suffer a bit, since it is very tempting to start a Leo 2…
3 February 2023, 09:52

What do you mean, Bobby? I more or less finished the crew yesterday 😉 . Now it is back to the vehicle!
14 March 2023, 10:27

I was referring to your comment about building a leopard. Finish this one first as it has turned out really well so far. I am expecting a diorama.
14 March 2023, 20:51

Be sure Bobby, this one will be finished. Started to paint parts of the vehicle this evening and finished the crew. Two of them now got BDU camo vests as I found it a bit boring with only green. The Leopard will not go anywhere…
14 March 2023, 21:04

I finished this build to night. Pretty happy about how it turned out.
4 May 2023, 21:03
Album info
Converting a Tamiya M1025 into a Special Forces «Dumvee»