He-219 "Uhu" Groupbuild
Give owls a chance!
- Subject:
- Maßstab:
- 1:32
- Status:
- In Bearbeitung
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22 July 2015, 09:38

Just shopped a bit and got brassin wheels as a bargain. So i saved money and bought the belts and the maskingset! I´m a damn happy guy!🙂
22 July 2015, 10:08

Thx Chris!😄
Mike, we need to wait till some kits do arrive to Kerry and Vegard, they are the founders of the GB idea😢
22 July 2015, 10:41

I just had my lunch break and opened the box, i´m scared of the kit😄
Ist so big! If a wing falls off my bench it will break my foot!😄😢 I think i have to leave the house when i attach the wings and proceed the build outside! LOL 🙂
22 July 2015, 13:08

hehehe 😄 I was looking to this photo and that stroke me, how big s that plane... 😮
22 July 2015, 13:18

You are right, Rui!🙂 Alone the fuselage is as long as my arm from fist to ellbow😄
22 July 2015, 13:39

As the newsfeed witnesses, the GB has begun! I wish everyone a nice build and a lot of fun during this GB!
15 September 2015, 11:22

Holger, Thanks for that mate. I am sure we will all enjoy what will be a fantastic time for all. 🙂
15 September 2015, 11:42

@Holger, hope you don't mind me saying...
@Christian, some mates have already started, so...
15 September 2015, 16:55

Well Rui, just started to sort my bits and pieces and put anything else aside. Tomorrow I will start my Uhu.
15 September 2015, 17:28

Guys and Gals, There is no rush on this event, just contribute at your own pace.
No one will miss out on anything. 🙂 👍
15 September 2015, 18:23

I find most interesting the ones with the ground concealment green and brown overpaint. Unfortunately I do not have any good photo of a 219 under this late war camo.
7 October 2015, 16:46

Thats sounds most interesting, Buddy! A He-219 with standard camo in late war coloures? 🙂 Can you tell me more about it?
7 October 2015, 16:57

As I said, I am looking desperately for photos myself, but I have found none. Imagine sprayed over RLM83 or RLM81 snakes over the original RLM75/ RLM76 camo. It may not have been pretty, but it would look more colourful. There are Ju 88G's under this type of application, and there is one photo of a He219, but not good enough.
7 October 2015, 17:07

Hi Holger,
I've found 2 more photos on the same plane in your above picture:
Military Thinking MT1 | Album by mig (1:35)
22 October 2015, 15:45

Oh Rui, thats fantastic! Thank you very much!
I hope i can post some pix of my build soon...🤔
22 October 2015, 15:48

What do you mean, Kerry? The camo on a He-219 or finally some pix of my build?😎
22 October 2015, 15:56

hehehe, me to Kerry. Your progress Holger. We can't wait right Kezza?
Thx, Holger.I was organizing the new photos, captions and drawings in the MT1 album. Now it's done.
Military Thinking MT1 | Album by mig (1:35)
22 October 2015, 15:58

Hmmm well, the pit is partly ready but my girlfriend is visiting me and so i dont have much (actually no) time for building...
22 October 2015, 16:59