modellbau datenbank | stash-manager
Patrik G (PatrikG)

Alben (21)

Alle Alben

7 Bilder
Ak vw busView album, image #3
1:35 T2 Model 1967 Bus (AK Interactive AK35022)
19 Bilder
Platz FW-190 D-9View album, image #19
Made a better base with some vehicles and pilots
Projekt: Platz FW-190s
1:144 Fw190 D-9 "1945 Germany" (Platz PD-9)
17 Bilder
Störviggen View album, image #1
1:48 Saab SK-37E Stör-Viggen (Special Hobby SH48150)
13 Bilder
Tuskagee Mustang P51D View album, image #13
1:72 North American P-51D Mustang (Airfix A01004)
9 Bilder
JASDF F-15JView album, image #1
Had this sitting half done on my shelf, so one day i completed it. Quite easy and fun build.
Projekt: GWH F15J
1:Egg F-15J (Great Wall Hobby GQ002)
2 Bilder
Bandai First Order TIEsView album, image #1
1:144 First Order TIE Fighter Set (Bandai 0207573)
37 Bilder
The Volkswagen MTV Most Mobile BusView album, image #35
The bus is going to be standing on a copy of the book we had and that is also present in the front
1:24 VW T2 Bus (Revell 07667)
18 Bilder
Wingsy Bf109EView album, image #18
One of the best kits I've ever built
1:48 Bf 109E-7 "Emil" (Wingsy Kits D5-11)1:48 Messerschmitt Bf-109E Exhaust Stacks (BitsKrieg BK-48013(s))
27 Bilder
Mirage Hobby Subs 1/400View album, image #18
1:400 GERMAN Type VII U-BOAT (Tom's Modelworks 4019)1:400 U-BOOT U-295 Typ VIIC/41 +"Biber" (Mirage Hobby 40414)1:400 U-803 (Mirage Hobby 40044)3+
3 Bilder
Mirage Hobby U-295View album, image #1
Rudders with PE added here only. On the bridge there will only be 3 guns and 2 periscopes without railing out of the box.
1:400 GERMAN Type VII U-BOAT (Tom's Modelworks 4019)1:400 U-BOOT U-295 Typ VIIC/41 +"Biber" (Mirage Hobby 40414)1:400 U-803 (Mirage Hobby 40044)3+
37 Bilder
Type XXI with interior and lightsView album, image #14
One of many light tests
1:144 Type XXI (Revell 05078)
12 Bilder
FW 190AView album, image #11
Projekt: Fw 190A-8/R2
1:48 Fw 190A-8/R2 (Eduard 84114)1:48 Focke-Wulf Fw 190A (Exito Decals ED48002)1:48 Fw 190 A stencils (Eduard D48029)
11 Bilder
World War One Project AlbumView album, image #1
1:35 British Heavy Tank Mk.V Female (Meng Model TS-029)1:35 Infantry in Gas Masks (ICM 35703)1:35 Infantry in Gas Masks (ICM 35695)1+
7 Bilder
Tamiya Pzkpfw IV Ausf.fView album, image #7
1:35 Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. F / Sd.Kfz. 161 (Tamiya 35374)
20 Bilder
Revell Type VIIC/41View album, image #20
Rigging and the final flat done.
Projekt: Type VII C/41
1:350 Type VII C/41 (Revell 05154)1:350 German Submarine Type VIIC/41 (Eduard 53228)
5 Bilder
Hasegawa YF-19View album, image #5
1:Egg Macross 30th Anniversary 'YF-19' (Hasegawa 65796)
14 Bilder
SAAB J-21 A3View album, image #14
Projekt: SAAB J-21 A3
1:48 SAAB J21 A-3 (Pilot Replicas 48A001)1:48 SAAB J-21A3 canopy paint mask (Maestro Models MMK4904)
14 Bilder
Tamiya BF109E-4/7View album, image #14
Made a new base for it
1:48 Messerschmitt Bf109E-4/7 Trop (Tamiya 61063)
3 Bilder
Y-wing Starfighter View album, image #1
1:144 Y-Wing Starfighter (Bandai 0209054)
8 Bilder
Tiger I in KurskView album, image #1
1:35 Tiger I (Border Model BT-010)1:35 Pz Commander Summer #2 (Alpine Miniatures 35264)1:35 StuG Loader at rest (Panzer Art FI35-122)1+
15 Bilder
Fiat 3000View album, image #2
Projekt: Fiat 3000
1:35 Road Signs WWII Italy (MiniArt 35611)1:35 Fiat 3000 mod. 21 Ia serie (Tauro Model 104)