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Anthony May (mainthedevil)

Über mich

Anthony May
US Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika
Mitglied seit:
April 16, 2015
Gemeinschaften: (Scale modeling) (Paper modeling) (Gundam modeling) (Train modeling) (Diecast models) (RC modeling)
I enjoy building 1/35 Armor, primarily from WW2 & 1/72 Aircraft, also primarily from WW2.
I got interested in model building after growing up watching my father build, collect & display his builds (and his stash that looked like a wall of models in his office.) I didn't start building in earnest right away though because my first few attempts turned into unfortunate misadventures. I was just too hyper!

In the meantime I got hooked on World of Tanks & then Steel Titans which got me positively addicted to armor. As a result I gravitated more towards AFVs than to the aircraft my father loves. (I still like warplanes & want to build more of them.)

Last year (2023) I had a terrible reaction to Covid-19, possibly a completely unique reaction, because the Mayo Clinic is studying my case. Although I became incredibly sick & had to be treated for dehydration. The worst part was that the virus attacked my eyes & nobody knows why. I went to sleep early in the evening of February 13th with 20/20 vision & awoke in the evening of February 14th unable to see anything. I was terribly sensitive to light. I could vaguely see movement but that was it. For over a month I couldn't do anything. I couldn't work, I couldn't dial a phone, I couldn't talk to anyone online, I couldn't watch videos, I couldn't play the games I loved & I certainly couldn't build models. All I could really do is sit in my darkened room, listen to my playlists when my parents would bring them up for me, think, imagine things or count.

Although I eventually got some of my vision back it's still far from perfect. I'm still legally blind & can't read anything smaller than about a half an inch (Thank goodness for the zoom function on browsers.) I still have a hard time dealing with very bright light too. I was almost ready to leave home & become purely self reliant but now I'm back to relying on my parents more than I have in half a lifetime. Both of my parents are really patient with me though & have helped me make a disability claim which went through pretty quick. Still it's less money than what I was making working a simple job so I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.

As far as our hobby goes, for model building, I rely a lot on magnification lenses & even then I need a lot of help from my father. I know I'll never be a top tier modeler now but it's still really hard to accept. As the son of a modeler, who himself was the son of a modeler, I always wanted to be able to build something that would "wow" my father. My father finally was able to do that with my grandfather when he wasn't much older than I am now. I was already at a disadvantage due to my colorblindness making it difficult to perceive MANY colors. My Pegasus Hobbies Me-262 for example. I still can't tell the difference between the green portions & the gray-violet color. If I didn't know the belly was a very pale blue I'd swear it was white. (I can't remember the RLM colors.)


Modellbau Clubs

Ich bin kein Mitglied eines Modellbauclubs.


Keine besonderen Webzines


Facebook Global Modelers Society
Facebook Scale Model Society

Modellbau Magazine

FineScale Modeler
Scale Aircraft Modelling


Keine bestimmten Geschäfte sind auf meiner Favoritenliste

Farben Bereich

Ich benutze regelmäßig folgende Farben:

Model Master
Ammo by Mig Jimenez

Favorisierter Maßstab




Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1941–1959

Boeing B-29 Superfortress Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1944–1965

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Flugzeuge » Jets | US 1955–Heute

Convair B-36 Peacemaker Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1946–1959

Grumman F-14 Tomcat Flugzeuge » Jets | US 1970–Heute

Lockheed F-35 Lightning II Flugzeuge » Jets | US 2006–Heute

Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet Flugzeuge » Jets | 3R 1941–1945

Messerschmitt Me 262 Flugzeuge » Jets | 3R 1944–1951

North American F-82 Twin Mustang Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1945–1953

North American P-51 Mustang Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1942–1984

Vought F4U Corsair Flugzeuge » Propeller | US 1942–1979


BT tank Fahrzeuge » Panzer | SU 1932–1945

Iosif Stalin tank JS/JSU Fahrzeuge » Panzer | SU 1943–1975

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Sd.Kfz. 138/2 Fahrzeuge » Panzerjäger | 3R 1944–1960

Kliment Voroshilov tank (KV) Fahrzeuge » Panzer | SU 1939–1945

Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte Fahrzeuge » Panzer | 3R Keine Epoche

M3 Lee Grant Fahrzeuge » Panzer | US 1942–1945

M4 Sherman Medium Tank, M4 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | US 1940–2023

Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Sd.Kfz. 171 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | 3R 1943–1952

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Sd.Kfz. 181 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | 3R 1942–1945

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger II Sd.Kfz. 182 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | 3R 1943–1945

Pz.Sfl. IV Dicker Max Fahrzeuge » Panzerjäger | 3R 1941–1943

Sturer Emil SPG Fahrzeuge » Panzerjäger | 3R 1941–1942

T-28 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | SU 1932–1945

T-35 Fahrzeuge » Panzer | SU 1932–1941

Willys Jeep Willys MB / Ford GPW Fahrzeuge » Autos | US 1941–1953


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