Bulgarian Tanks-Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf.G Late/Майбах 4
B 60263/Fahrgestellnummer 83946
- Maßstab:
- 1:35
- Status:
- In Bearbeitung
- Gestartet:
- April 7, 2017
Fahrgestellnummer 83946 was finished in Krupp-Grusonwerk AG/Magdeburg-Buckau in June 1943.It was one of the dozen Ausf.G's delivered in July 1943 to Bulgaria.Being late Ausf.G, it carried the KWK40/L48 gun, bolted 30 mm. Zusatzpanzer,had the strenghtened final drives and the new drive sprokets.
#83946 was given Reg.No B 60263 and it joined 1st.Arm.Co of the Armoured Brigade.In autumn 1944 "B 60263" fought in Jugoslavia, in 1945 the tank faced the last major German offensive in WWII in Hungary(Unternehmen „Frühlingserwachen“).
In the 1950-s,along with many of it's "comrades", the tank was burried at a location on the Bulgarian-Turkish border to serve as a static AT pilebox.It's remains were removed from the border in 2008.
Nowadays #83946 is in Yambol's Museum of Battle Glory.
This build is part of the "Bulgarian Maybachs" group-build, organized by me and some of my modelling-buddies in Sofia.It's aim is to commemorate all who lived,fought and did the ultimate sacrifice in the most terrible conflict in the past century.
No one is forgotten.
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Yep, deadline is May 9th!
BTW-one of my mates is almost ready with his Zvezda Pz.IV-I saw it this evening and-honestly- I didn't find anything to complain about...The newer Zvezda kits-like the Panther Ausf.D I just finished-are of very good quality.And cost pennies when compared to some other brands😉