Alben (60)
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22 Bilder
It's a Jeep thing
Willys Jeep with 75mm recoilless gun as used by the Dutch Marine Corps.
Projekt: It's a Jeep thing
9 Bilder
War in the Dutch East Indies - 1945-1950
Universal Carrier registration 5696 from 1-3 Regiment Infanterie of the Royal Dutch Colonial Army. Towing a 6pdr gun.
Projekt: Dutch East Indies 1945-1950
24 Bilder
Mistercraft F-16B block 10
Start of the project. Many parts, even some extra ones like extra weapons, and another tail version. You can also choose...
Projekt: Mistercraft F-16B block 10
16 Bilder
Airfix 1/72 Republic F-84F Thunderstreak KLu
Projekt: Republic F-84F Thunderstreak - P-266