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Mike Szwarc (Panzón)

Alben (51)

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7 Bilder
RPG 1/35 Phalanx CIWSView album, image #3
1:35 Phalanx Block IB Close-In Weapon System (RPG-MODEL 35017)
11 Bilder
Scibor Monstrous MiniaturesView album, image #4
Viking #5, 30mm
30mm Viking #2 (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 28FM0258)30mm Viking #5 (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 8FM0283)30mm Viking #4 (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 28FM0278)17+
2 Bilder
Ft-17 VignetteView album, image #1
Mockup, just about ready for paint.
Projekt: Renault FT-17
1:72 Renault FT light tank with cast turret (FlyHawk Model FH 3000)1:72 French Streetscape (FlyHawk Model FH 3013)
17 Bilder
1:2000 BattleshipsView album, image #6
1:2000 USS Arizona, F-Toys. The F-Toys 1:2000 ship kits have decent detailing, and are pre-painted, and snap-together, a...
1:2000 German Battleship Tirpitz (FlyHawk Model FH9002)1:2000 HMS Prince of Wales (FlyHawk Model FH9007)1:2000 USS California BB-44 Battleship 1944 (Snowman Model SR-2020)9+
14 Bilder
Samurai and OniView album, image #4
Zvezda 25mm samurai archers
1:72 Mounted Samurai Archers (Zvezda 6416)1:72 Samurai Warriors Cavalry (Zvezda 8025)54mm Female Oni (Reaper Miniatures 77486)2+
6 Bilder
DwarvesView album, image #5
Dwarf Farmer #3, Scibor Monsterous Miniatures, 28mm.
Projekt: Dwarves
28mm Dwarf Treasure Hunter (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 28FM0641)28mm Dwarf Herbalist #2 (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 28FM0636)28mm Dwarf Summer Wanderer (Scibor Monstrous Miniatures 28FM0484)12+
21 Bilder
Custom 1:64 diecast carsView album, image #1
I call this the Frankenstein gasser because its built with a modified body casting and engine from one car, chassis and...

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7 Bilder
Fujimi Chibi-Maru Fleet SuzutsukiView album, image #7
13 Bilder
My Upgraded WorkroomView album, image #4
Another view of the island work station, with display shelves in the background.
9 Bilder
SWACO Fluid Processing System (FPS)View album, image #1
Forty years ago, back when draftsmen put pencil to paper rather than stylus to pad, before CAD existed, I was an enginee...