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33 imágenes
Buk 332View album, image #33
Proyecto: 3X2
1:35 9K37M1 BUK (Meng Model SS-014)1:35 Buk-M1 Early Wheels(2S3 Type) (SP Designs 341)1:35 9K37M1 BUK Air Defense Missile System Antiskid plate (Voyager Model FE35037)1+
36 23 August 2022, 20:12
taking a seat , looking forward to seeing more of this build 👍 🙂
 6 September 2022, 19:36
hiveloc Autor
Thanks Mona! It's coming along, latest picture in 3…2…1…
 6 September 2022, 21:38
Rui S
Looking good 👍 I'm in 😎
 10 September 2022, 22:58
it's ready for action ..and weathering .Looking 👀 good
 16 September 2022, 23:02
Clean work!
 9 October 2022, 15:25
hiveloc Autor
Time to put this on the shelf. I really need better lighting/ photography, 'cause my pictures don't do it justice.
 9 October 2022, 15:30
Rui S
Great outcome 👍
 9 October 2022, 15:42
hiveloc Autor
Thank you Rui and Neuling!
 9 October 2022, 15:50
hiveloc Autor
Bumping this so what happened 10 years ago today (MH17) is not forgotten.

More info here:
 17 July 2024, 17:22
Rui S
Another crime that We know well who were the criminals, and sent by whom, and We will not forget.
They were allready the ones who provoked the problems that arose before in the Donbas.
There they dressed in black like the Nazis, later in Crimea dressed green like frogs.
We know & will not forget.
 17 July 2024, 23:58

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