base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por trueol

Oleg Lorenz
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
32 4 February 2023, 23:09
Kyle DeHart
Nice job!
 5 February 2023, 05:33
Villiers de Vos
Very nice work.
 5 February 2023, 19:07
Oleg Lorenz Autor
thanks mates
 8 February 2023, 09:45
This is awesome!!! love the detail and accents on this kit!
 21 February 2024, 03:30
Is that a cut out piece of felt for the carpet? my flocking job always suck
1  31 December 2024, 11:20
 31 December 2024, 11:48
Rui S
I like it 👍
1  31 December 2024, 12:39
Oleg Lorenz Autor
AlegitBot it is a flocking powder
1  31 December 2024, 17:11
Mike Thomas
Just about every yellow paint job turns out bad for me. I can't say the same for you! Nice work, sir! Oh, and the rest looks great, too!
 2 January, 00:06

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