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Hilo iniciado por gearup

Bob Leader
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
20 18 February 2024, 23:39
Guy Rump
Very nice clean build. 👍
 23 February 2024, 19:47
Bob Leader Autor
Thanks Guy, a much better engineered kit than Airfix's older efforts!
 24 February 2024, 12:41
Great build with a really difficult and disappointing kit- everything is warped, nothing fits. Huge ejector pins everywhere. Really disappointing!
 27 September 2024, 17:11
Bob Leader Autor
The warping on my example wasn't too bad, but the fit wasn't up to current standards.The worst part was the missing exhaust parts that Airfix said were unavailable.
 28 September 2024, 13:48
Mr D
A nice project..Done well 👌👍
You put a lot of work in here... Well done 👍👍
 28 September 2024, 15:32
Bob Leader Autor
Thank-you all for the kind words!
 29 September 2024, 18:18
Great work!👍🏻
 29 September 2024, 18:31

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