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Hilo iniciado por bigdbronco

Kevin B
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P-39Q AiracobraView album, image #21
Proyecto: P-39 Airacobra
1:48 P-39Q Airacobra (Eduard 8470)
26 28 February 2024, 15:44
Nice start, following!
 28 February 2024, 19:11
Gorgeous! 🏆
 22 March 2024, 04:10
Excellent work in cool presentation!
 22 March 2024, 08:55
John E
Agree with Neuling! Super work! 👍
 23 March 2024, 18:19
John Mulhall
 23 March 2024, 19:34
Kevin B Autor
Thank you all! This was a "just for fun" build after a tougher less enjoyable build previous to this and it turned out to be quite a lot of fun!
 24 March 2024, 20:22

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