base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por Sybar

Sy Bar
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
28 12 April 2024, 16:39
Sy Bar Autor
I've always had an idea to document a build as I complete each step in the instructions so I giving it a go with this one as the kit is not to complex. If I still had access to photo shop (I miss the good old days on none cloud programs) I'd over lay the kit on the instructions but when I tried this via an app the results took too long and where not good either so this is a simple photo run through
 13 April 2024, 13:03
Sy Bar Autor
Closing in on the finish line just a few little bits to do ( they always seam to take the most time)
I'm also amazed at how fragile some of the detail is or more likely how ham fisted I am. I've snapped 3 pieces - top door frame, rear bumper and front wheel connecting rod 🙄
Need to start on the figure now too
 2 May 2024, 13:43
Ben M is free downloadable thing similar to photoshop
 24 May 2024, 02:36
Sy Bar Autor
Cheers #Ben M
 24 May 2024, 06:23
Bruce Huxtable
Really liking the finished results, Sy. Superb skills and weathering 🙂
 24 May 2024, 06:56
Eric Martin
Hello, which figurine was used for Princess Elisabeth?
 24 May 2024, 07:25
Nice work Sy.
Another vote here for Gimp.
 24 May 2024, 08:09
Sy Bar Autor
Cheers guys appreciate the comments
#Eric Martin I got the figure from SKP model (

SKP 101 Princezna ve zbrani

 24 May 2024, 19:31
Eric Martin
Thank you very much
 25 May 2024, 06:15
Very good work on Her Majesty and her car 🙂
 25 May 2024, 09:06
Ben M
It is a beautiful build,
 25 May 2024, 12:04
Guy Rump
Very impressive! 👍
 25 May 2024, 12:21
Sy Bar Autor
Cheers all for the comments. This kit is interesting as while it not mentioned in the kits instructions the decal sheet does contain the markings for the vehicle in HM Elizabeth's picture! As it's not mentioned you have to take your own punt at the colours and construction versions but it's nice to have the decals 😎
 25 May 2024, 15:33
Ben M
Yeah I saw that in the photo! That's great.
 25 May 2024, 16:24

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