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Hilo iniciado por rudyo

Rudy Poseika
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14 9 November 2024, 19:16
Rudy Poseika Autor
A friend in our local model club gave me a kit he purchased some time ago. The kit is from 1980. He also got a PE kit for the aircraft in question but not necessarily for the exact kit. A lot of the plastic was supposed to be REPLACED by the PE but I just 'added' to it ad hoc.
*I became really interested in the story behind the aircraft - as reports have it that it had some good success against B-17, B-24 and B-29s.
 9 November 2024, 19:22
Rudy Poseika Autor
I have started assembly. I read in a modellers subReddit an opinion on PE parts - good for larger scale models but maybe lost in 1/72.... Let's see when this aircraft is finished! 🙂
 10 November 2024, 18:41
Rudy Poseika Autor
I use quick shine as a satin finish coat for decals and between weathering. I let it dry over night but the finish is still susceptible to becoming flat where the decal softener is used (I don't think it was the panel liner) and it looked like splotches of flat finish around the satin finish. This unwanted look disappeared after the use of Tamiya flat clear coat applications and the result was consistent across the surfaces.
 21 November 2024, 13:33
Rudy Poseika Autor
 25 November 2024, 13:22
Guy Rump
Nice build. 👍
 25 November 2024, 17:08

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