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Jennifer Franklin
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The Big BoyView album, image #27
Decals and matte varnish finished! Diorama coming next.
Proyecto: The Big Boy
1:87 Big Boy Locomotive (Revell 02165)
35 14 December 2024, 18:27
Booking a front row seat for his build. 🙂
1  15 December 2024, 07:19
Let me find chair. this looks to be very interesting project.
1  15 December 2024, 07:53
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Welcome gorby and Dave!
 15 December 2024, 11:04
Villiers de Vos
Booking my seat as well.
 15 December 2024, 17:37
Michael Kohl
I am in this one too.
 15 December 2024, 17:49
Taking a seat as well.
 16 December 2024, 16:34
Mr D
Nice project 👍👍
Good luck with it, what is the part count on this one ?
Like that they gave some track included 👍
 16 December 2024, 17:35
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Welcome, Villiers de Vos, Michael, Nicolas, and Mr D! The part count is slightly over 80. Compared to the Memphis Belle, a level 5 model, this is a level 3. I plan to focus on technique with this one, which will be the real challenge after the B-17.
 16 December 2024, 17:47
Martin Oostrom
Be careful with all the thin parts around the wheels. They are fragile and need to be installed in the right sequence. It is easy to take a wrong turn there.
2  16 December 2024, 18:16
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you for the warning, Martin; I will be careful.
1  16 December 2024, 23:33
Ben M
1  17 December 2024, 04:16
Ben M
4005 is in a museum near my house. I've also seen 4014 running.
1  18 December 2024, 03:24
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Yeah, I saw a Big Boy in a museum while working in Tooele, Utah. Remarkable engine, never forgot it.
 18 December 2024, 03:28
Desert Marlin
Should be fun!
1  18 December 2024, 04:21
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat for sure!
1  18 December 2024, 07:56
Villiers de Vos
Off to a good start with the detail painting in the cab.
1  19 December 2024, 03:10
Ben M
1  19 December 2024, 03:44
Michael Kohl
Oh Ben, linking this picture is mean. Where shall get Jennifer all those handwheels from?! 😜
1  19 December 2024, 09:05
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Ben, that is both remarkable and daunting. Michael, you are right; I will never create all those handwheels.
 19 December 2024, 13:42
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Welcome, Desert Marlin, Robert, and Villiers de Vos!
1  19 December 2024, 13:43
Ben M
I like how the crew had no labels to guide them; they just had to know what each hand wheel did.
1  19 December 2024, 14:44
Guy Rump
Interesting build, following. 👍
1  19 December 2024, 19:08
Ok this is getting interesting.
2  21 December 2024, 01:30
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Welcome Guy
 21 December 2024, 03:27
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Dave, I probably shouldn't have put the arc support under the covered bridge, but there is one like it in Quebec, and the Waterloo bridge in England is somewhat similar. Let's call it artistic liberty.
1  21 December 2024, 03:27
I agree with that. (Artistic Liberty)
1  21 December 2024, 04:53
Jennifer Franklin Autor
The Niagara Canyon Bridge also looks something like this.
 21 December 2024, 06:04
Martin Oostrom
Full steam ahead! Now I want a 3d printer even more 😢
1  21 December 2024, 07:24
Jennifer Franklin Autor
I ordered some Tamiya tape to clean up my paint lines.
 21 December 2024, 09:22
Jennifer Franklin Autor
It's a truss arch bridge, which is rare but has been built in the past.
 21 December 2024, 12:07
if you change your mind Jennifer, you may fi d the right ones in some of the set in SCM Search: Handwheels 😉
1  21 December 2024, 22:22
not sure how many sets you are going to need 😉
1  21 December 2024, 22:23
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you, Spanjaard; options are always good.
 21 December 2024, 22:24
Jennifer Franklin Autor
I am desperately trying to clean up the paint on the model. If anyone has any techniques to share please let me know. Silver on black is very unforgiving. I found one technique with tape and painting the base cost before painting the desired colour promising.
 21 December 2024, 22:34
it depends on type of paint etc. if acrylic, Isopropyl alcohol can work just fine. let it soak on it for a while and use an old toothbrush. if small parts just drop alcohol on them and use the toothbrush directly
2  21 December 2024, 22:41
use a discarded food container for example. for soaking and also for brushing (you do not want drops of alcohol mixed with paint flying around).
I buy the alcohol by the liter, 100% pure. can be used as thinner and cleaner. as thinner with Tamiya tends to make paints a bit more dull than tamiya thinner, but waaaaasy cheaper
2  21 December 2024, 22:45
Jennifer Franklin Autor
It's acrylic. Thank you, Spanjaard.
 21 December 2024, 22:54
Ben M
I usually strip paint with brake fluid, alcohol, windex, purple stuff degreaser just whatever I have around. Those are all good solvents for acrylic paint. I think simple green works too.
1  21 December 2024, 22:57
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Good to know, Ben M thank you!
 21 December 2024, 23:16
I have had good experiences with oven cleaner. Put the component in a plastic bag and leave it to soak overnight, then you can remove the paint the next morning with a stiff brush or toothbrush. No matter what you use, always check the compatibility with the base material beforehand. With aggressive agents, it can otherwise quickly happen that details are damaged or even the entire component dissolves.
2  22 December 2024, 00:10
Jennifer Franklin Autor
That is very sage advice, Nicolas; I will check compatibility on a piece of the sprue before doing anything.
 22 December 2024, 03:28
that is why I like IPA, never seen plastic getting damaged, even after a day or two soaking on it
1  22 December 2024, 12:50
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Merry Christmas to all mates!
6  25 December 2024, 00:41
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Happy New Year!
1  31 December 2024, 18:23
Must feel nice with it moving along. Looks good 👍
1  31 December 2024, 18:44
Mr D
Looking nice .. definitely taking shape now.
I watched a good YouTube video with Jay Leno on the big boy and how the restoration was done.... interesting and amazing machine.
Happy new year 🎊😃👍
1  31 December 2024, 20:43
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thanks Mr D and Dave. Indeed, it feels good to see it moving along. Very close now, just the decals remain.
 1 January, 15:23
Clifford Keesler
Looking very nice Jennifer. I missed this one some how.
1  6 January, 20:09
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Hi Clifford, I went and checked your page, and I've missed a bunch of yours somehow. Glad you reminded me to go and check. Nice work.
 6 January, 20:58
Clifford Keesler
Thank you Jennifer. The Big Boy turned out really nice, looking forward to the Dio.
 12 January, 00:00
Clifford Keesler
Thank you Jennifer. The Big Boy turned out really nice, looking forward to seeing the Dio.
1  12 January, 00:17
Nathan Dempsey
Interesting build Jennifer! I can say I had no idea this kit existed. Nice that they made it in a common "train set" scale.
2  12 January, 01:10
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thanks Clifford and Nathan, yes, Nathan it is nice to have it in the common "train set" scale. So much potential with the diorama as a result.
 12 January, 05:14
Robert Podkoński
Good job, Jennifer! I cannot wait to know what will happen next 🙂
1  12 January, 08:32
Impressive result Jennifer. Looking forward to see what you can do with the dio.
2  12 January, 09:10
George Williams
It looks great, Jennifer, you've really captured the look of the real thing.
1  12 January, 10:28
Mr D
Hi Jennifer 👋
Fantastic 👏 brilliant job and nice model, looking forward to seeing your dio-
1  12 January, 13:44
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you, Robert, gorby, George, and Mr D. Your comments are motivating as I move on to the Avro Anson build.
1  12 January, 17:31
Juergen Klinglhuber
Very cool ! 👍
1  12 January, 17:35
Rui S
Very nice work 👍 Looking forward to see the bridge done 😎
1  12 January, 17:42
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you Juergen and Rui!
 15 January, 12:14
Guy Rump
Beautiful looking loco! 👍
1  15 January, 18:06
Good job so far. 👍 Cant wait for the diorama.
1  15 January, 18:50
Kurt Fankhauser
1  15 January, 19:08
Clifford Keesler
I wish my paint booth was that clean. Lol. Love the Loco.
1  16 January, 03:31
Mick Burdett
Great job here, I think I heard somewhere that a real one is being built again, is that true ?
1  16 January, 21:20
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you, Guy, Nicolas, Kurt, Clifford, and Mick. Mick, of the 25 Big Boy locomotives ever built, only no. 4014 was restored in May 2019 and is running today.
3  17 January, 22:25
Landlubber Mike
Wow, that came out great! Well done!
1  21 January, 15:17
Pietro De Angelis
Fantastic loco,
congrats for your work!
1  21 January, 15:38
Jennifer Franklin Autor
Thank you, Mike and Pietro!
1  23 January, 22:12

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