base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por Teeage

Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
27 imágenes
KillerView album, image #26
1:35 M4A2 (Dragon 6062)1:35 Type 94 TK Late (Fine Molds FM19)1:35 M4A2 Sherman deep wading kit (late pattern) (Panzer Art RE35-740)2+
21 1 January, 11:19
 1 January, 12:04
Ben M
 6 February, 23:59
Robert Podkoński
Taking a seat!
 9 February, 10:19
Jeremias H
nice, such an interesting scene to recreate. Following!
 25 February, 20:32
Patrick Hagelstein
Great job! Can't wait to see it in real life! 👍
 4 March, 22:28
Teeage Autor
Thanks all, time to think about a vignette.
 6 March, 23:49

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