base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por Sarka Ferenc

Ferenc Sarka
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
19 2 January, 21:43
Thomas O'Eh
Nice job so far! Reminds me to continue work on mine. I am also stuck with the fitting of the front transparent part. I use thin layers of evergreen strips to close in on the gaps, but I am not quite there yet…
 4 January, 08:59
Ferenc Sarka Autor
Thomas, thank you for your advice. I will see the old remains, maybe there willl be something "filler".
 4 January, 12:13
 4 January, 15:44
Łukasz Gliński
Joining too
 18 January, 19:44
Me 4.
 18 January, 20:02

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