base de datos de modelismo a escala | gestor de almacén

Hilo iniciado por kryten2q4b

Dave Burgess
Nuevo álbum de fotos añadido
10 21 January, 23:05
That is a nice looking chev, beautiful Color.
 21 January, 23:09
Dave Burgess Autor
Thx. I normally don't do cars (except F1). My forte is aircraft & science fiction. I actually gave this and a few other car kits to my son for Christmases a couple of decades ago. I couldn't get him interested in model building however, so when he moved out in 2009, he was leaving the kits behind. I asked him if it was OK to build them for him and he said yes, so I did. They're still on display at my place, and when he has somewhere to display them, he's going to collect them.
1  21 January, 23:19
Love it, pass it on.
 21 January, 23:23
A nice one!
 22 January, 08:25
Dave Burgess Autor
Thx. Turned out pretty well.
 22 January, 15:52

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